虛雲老和尚畫傳A Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun
上宣下化老和尚講述 Composed by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
|《虛老畫傳序》| 105-120 | 121-140 | 141-160 | 161-180 | 181-200 | 201-208 |
161.橫逆相加囚縲絏 Being bound and incarcerated for no good reason
162.舉巨石服群眾 Moving a boulder and winning workmen's respect
163.水陸感應祥瑞 Performing a - "Water and Land" ceremony, which brough auspicious omens
164.雙鵝念佛往生 Giving refuge to two geese, that, mindful of the Buddha, go off to rebirth
165.救溺女度二姓 Saving a drowning girl and rescuing two families
166.拾遺金賑災黎 Contributing gold to aid those stricken by disaster
167.暮春祈雪消喉疾 Praying for snow near the end of spring to end diphtheria
168.荒年割稻與民食 Reaping rice during a barren year and feeding the people
169.菜梅開蓮兆瑞 Witnessing the auspicious omen of greens and plum trees blooming with lotuses
170.赴香港傳鼓山 Going to Hong Kong and Ku Mountain
171.就任湧泉寺住持 Becoming abbot of Yung Ch'uan Monastery
172.丹墀雙鐵樹開花 Witnessing a pair of cycad trees blooming in the courtyard
173.重戒律開辦學院 Establishing an academy for intensive Vinaya
174.老龍神受寶戒 Transmitting the jeweled precepts to an old dragon spirit
175.雖亂世猶海單 Despite the unrest, still receiving visitors by sea
176.三夢六祖來召 Seeing the Sixth Patriarch arrive three times to summon him
177.人受戒虎皈依 Giving precepts to people and letting a tiger take refuge
178.枯柏欣欣向榮 Joyously witnessing the revival of withered cypresses
179.白狐皈依守戒 Letting a white fox take refuge and uphold the precepts
180.西藏活佛皈敬 A Tibetan Lama respectfully requesting to take refuge
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