虛雲老和尚畫傳A Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun
上宣下化老和尚講述 Composed by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
|《虛老畫傳序》| 105-120 | 121-140 | 141-160 | 161-180 | 181-200 | 201-208 |
105. 重禮舍利報恩 Bowing again to the Sharira to repay his mother's kindness
106. 騎金龍見生母 Riding a golden dragon and seeing his mother
107. 扶疾燃指供佛 Despite his sickness, burning off his finger as an offering to the Buddha
108. 登雲台而望東海 Climbing Yun T'ai and viewing the sea
109.登泰山觀天下 Climbing Mount T'ai and observing the world
110.朝訪那羅延窟 Visiting Narayana Cave
111.曲阜縣瞻孔廟 Visiting the Temple of Confucius in Ch'u Fu County
112.宿棺蓋遇乞不懼 Spending the night on a coffin cover, meeting a beggar, but not being frightened
113.步康莊逢鬼兵弗驚 Meeting a mercenary on the highway but not being intimidated
114.西域寺石刻藏經 Paying Homage to the stone-carved Tripitaka at Hsi Yu Monastery
115.戒台寺禮飛缽祖塔 Paying his respects to the stupa of Patriarch Fei Po at Chieh T'ai Monastery
116.大鐘寺觀古蹟 Viewing the relics at Ta Chung Monastery
117.回城南龍泉寺住 Returning to Ch'eng Nan and staying at Lung Ch'uan Monastery
118.離北京赴長安 Leaving Peking and heading toward Ch'ang An
119.祈甘露雨息災 Praying for the sweet dew of rain to avert disaster
120.嘉五台獅子巖 Staying in Lion Cavern at Chia Wu T'ai Mountain
法界佛教總會 • DRBA / BTTS / DRBU