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A Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun

化老和尚著述 Composed by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua







Spending the night on a coffin cover, meeting a beggar, 
but not being frightened

The Master walked westward, and, at nightfall, he came upon a dilapidated temple in which there was nothing but a coffin, its cover upside down. Assuming that no one was inside, the Master slept on top. At midnight, however, he felt something moving around inside the coffin. "Let me out!" said a voice. The Master asked, "Are you a man or a ghost?" "I'm a man," was the answer. "Who are you?" asked the Master. "I'm a beggar," was the reply. The Master chuckled and got up, letting out a man who was ugly as a ghost. The beggar went out to urinate, and then went back to sleep. At dawn, the Master left.

The gatha says:
When the nature is in samadhi, the demons are quelled, and every day is joyful.
When false thoughts do not arise, every place is peaceful.
Bright and imposing was the Master's light - there was not a thing to fear.
If one treats people as oneself, what distinction is there?

