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A Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun

化老和尚著述 Composed by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua







Seeing the Sixth Patriarch arrive three times to summon him

in 1934, the Master, now ninety-five, invited Dharma Master Ying Tz'u to explain the Brahmajala (Brahma Net) Sutra during the spring Precept period. One night, in the second lunar month, while sitting cross-legged in meditation, as if in a dream and yet not at all in a dream, the Master saw the Sixth Patriarch arrive and tell him, "The time has come for you to return." The following day, the Master told his disciple Kuan Pen about this vision. The latter consoled him. One evening, in the fourth lunar month, he again on three occasions saw the Sixth Patriarch who urged him to go. The Master thought this event quite strange. Shortly thereafter, General Li Han Yun of Canton sent Wu Chung Shih arid others with an invitation for the Master, which the Master accepted.

The gatha says:
Appearing thrice, the Venerable Sixth Patriarch urged him to quickly go back.
A hundred officials and ten thousand citizens welcomed the embodied Dharma.
The bodhimanda at Jeweled Grove again shone like the sun,
Because it was time for the old ascetic monk to carry earth once more.

