Bodhi Sea
- Cover
- The Bodhi Seal of the Patriarchs, Forty-first
Generational Patriarch, Dhyana Master Hwei Ji
- Sanskrit Lesson: Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra
- Sutra In Forty-two Sections
- Vajra Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra
- The Flower Adornment Sutra, Chapter Forty "Universal
Worthy's Conduct and Vows"
- The Bodhi Mirror Introduces Dharma Master Tsang Hwei
- Water-Mirror, In Memory of Elder Layman Li Jing-Hwa
- Three Realms, Four Domains, And Five Elements....The
Element Fire
- Not Killing and Liberating the Living, by Great
Master Lyan Chr
- The Bodhi Stand Introduces Upasika Chen Kuo Yu
- The Hundred Parables Sutra
- The Shurangama Mantra: An Explanation of this Issue's
Cover Verse
- News From the Dharma Realm
- Graduation Ceremonies....Forthcoming in August, 1988
- Secretary of State March Fong Eu Visits Gold Mountain
- Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu