虛雲老和尚畫傳集A Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun
上宣下化老和尚著述 by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
|《虛老畫傳序》| 1-20 | 21-40 | 41-60 | 61-80 | 81-100 | 101-104 |
41.發大願朝清涼山 Making serious vows to go on a pilgrimage to Ch'ing Liang Mountain bowing once every three steps
42.渡海至湖州 Crossing the sea and arriving at Hu Chou
43.長拜過蘇州 Continuing to bow at length and passing through Su Chou
44.常州分別獨向前 Parting company at Chang Chou and going on alone
45.南京禮懶祖塔 Bowing to the stupa of Patriarch Lan at Nan Ching
46.獅子山寺過年 Passing the New Year at Shih Tzu Shan Monastery
47.從獅子嶺再拜 Starting to bow again on Shih Tzu Peak
48.寄宿小旅店 Staying overnight at a small inn
49.過黃河遇白雪 Crossing the Yellow River and encountering snow
50.忍凍餓感文吉 His enduring of cold and hunger prompts the appearance of Wen Chi
51.來自五台回長安去 Returning from Wu T'ai to Ch'ang An
52.機鋒話頭是甚麼 Asking the piercing question, "What Is It?"
53.恢復精神再拜香 Regaining his essential energies, he continues bowing
54.依足點再精進 Following the footprints with renewed vigor
55.老耆德林歡迎 Being received by the Elder Master Te Lin
56.對座談心敘舊 Chatting about old times
57.留公過年再去 Being invited to pass the new year
58.小南海不掛單 Deciding not to stay at Hsiao Nan Hai Monastery
59.黃沙嶺古廟重病 Becoming stricken with illness at an ancient temple on Huang Sha Ling Mountain
60.病危文吉又來 As his illness grows serious, Wen Chi returns
法界佛教總會 ‧ DRBA / BTTS / DRBU