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A Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun

化老和尚著述 Composed by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua







Falling into a snow cavity while walking

During the winter, the Master called on the Venerable Master Ch'ing Shan (Blue Mountain), who asked him to go to Ch'ang An for supplies. On the way back, the Master encountered a blizzard as he ascended the mountain. Nearing the new hut, he walked off an overhanging precipice and fell into a snow crevice. His loud hollering brought Dharma Master Yi Ch'uan (Oneness) from a nearby hut to his rescue. The Master's clothing was drenched and night was falling, but fearing that the snow would make the mountain inaccessible, he kept going on through the night. He finally reached Dharma Master Ch'ing Shan's hut, despite the snow. When Dharma Master Ch'ing Shan saw the Master's disheveled appearance. he laughed and told the latter he was useless. The Master smiled and returned to his hut to pass the New Year.

The gatha says:
When the Master was doing someone a favor, he fell into a snowy hollow.
Upon his return, he was laughed at and mocked as being a useless monk.
He tolerated toil and criticism - the road of his mission was long.
He was certified to the fruition of Sagehood, proving himself a Patriarch.

