«Å¤Æ¦Ñ©M©|°l«ä¬ö©À±M¶° In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

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In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua


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Transformation of a Bodhisattva, Footsteps of an Ascetic Monk
¡· Compiled by Shi Hengchi
«Å¤Æ¦Ñ©M©|°l«ä¬ö©À±M¶°2 - µÐÂÄ¤Û¤Æ ÀYªû¦æ¸ñ¡EIn Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Huan - Transformation of a Bodhisattva,

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Gold Mountain Dhyana Monastery, San Francisco


The Master handing Bhikshu Heng Ju a piece of pie, celebrating the successful completion of his bowing pilgrimage from San Francisco to Marblemount, Washington. There¡¦s a story that goes with this.



As a layman, Heng Ju was learning to eat one meal a day, but it was hard. One evening as he returned from work, he stopped and bought a packaged pie and stuck it in the pocket of his coat. During evening lecture, he could think of nothing else but that piece of pie and could hardly wait for the lecture to be over so he could eat it.



After lecture, without telling a soul, he quietly slipped unnoticed up the fire ladder to the flat roof, and began strolling around. Opening his packaged pie at last, he took a huge bite. As he rounded the roof, he suddenly caught sight of the Master climbing over the edge of the roof from the fire ladder. The Master began to stroll the opposite way in the same circle and was headed right for him. Heng Ju¡¦s mouth was stuffed so full of pie that he couldn¡¦t speak. He could only nod his head in acknowledgment and keep on walking. Thus they passed each other three times as they strolled in opposite directions around the roof. Upon the third passing, the Master smiled and asked, "How do you feel?" With that he left the roof.
