宣化老和尚追思紀念專集 In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

第二冊•Volume 2

In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua


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Transformation of a Bodhisattva, Footsteps of an Ascetic Monk
◎ Compiled by Shi Hengchi
宣化老和尚追思紀念專集2 - 菩薩幻化 頭陀行跡•In Memory of the Venerable Master Hsuan Huan - Transformation of a Bodhisattva,

一九六八年  三藩市  放生法會

l968  San Francisco  Liberating Life


During the first such ceremony that these young Americans had ever witnessed, held on the roof of the Buddhist Lecture Hall, thirty-eight pigeons were released. All but two flew away. Those two pigeons stayed around and became regular participants in the activities at the Lecture Hall. The Master shed tears as he explained that these birds had been his left-home disciples during the Tang Dynasty (around 750 a.d.) in China.
