《楞嚴經》暑期講習班結業。暑期班開始時,這些美國年輕人多半對佛法沒有概念。經過上人耐心的教導和慈悲的善巧方便,這些人都得到了不同程度的啟發和覺悟。現在這些學生大多受了五戒,其中很多位還受了菩薩戒。從照片中可以看到,他們穿著海青和縵衣,及使用臥具。 |
End of the Shurangama Lecturing and Cultivation Summer Session. The Venerable Master’s patient teaching and compassionate expedients awakened and inspired these young Americans according to their various potentials. The majority of these students began the summer with little or no understanding of Buddhism. At the end, most participants received the Five Precepts, and many received the Bodhisattva Precepts. They are shown here in robes and precept sashes with their bowing cloths.