宣化上人一九九三年訪臺開示Venerable Master Hua's Talks on the Dharma in 1993 in Taiwan
上宣下化老和尚開示 Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's Talks
諄諄教誨 Patient Teachings
做人的根本先要盡孝道 The Basis for Being a Human Being Is Filiality
成佛的一條光明道 A Bright Path to Buddhahood
什麼是福? What are Blessings?
真正的快樂是無求 Seeking Nothing Is True Happiness
真正科學就是佛教 True Science Is Just Buddhism
我和一般人不一樣 I Am Different from Ordinary People
清淨三業聞妙法 Purifying the Three Karmas to Listen to the Wonderful Dharma
出家不忘忠貞志 Though I've Left the Home-life, I Haven't Forgotten My Heart's Allegiance
六大宗旨就是戒律 The benefits of receiving the five precepts
尊老重賢 Venerating the Elderly and Honoring the Worthy
每天問問我是誰? Every Day, Ask Yourself, "Who Am I?"
回頭是岸--皈依三寶 A Turn of the Head Is the Other Shore--Taking Refuge with the Triple Jewel
附錄一:風塵僕僕訪臺行 Dust-Covered and Weary from Travelling throughout Taiwan by Zhao Shan
附錄二:解浮生惑答眾問 Questions and Answers: Resolving Living Beings' Doubts
法界佛教總會 • DRBA / BTTS / DRBU