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Biographical Sketch of the Honorable Bhiksu Tsu Yin

Editor's Notes:
Vajra Bodhi Sea, in order to make the good Dharma widely known, will publish the biographies of eminent Sangha members and lay Buddhists around the world. The editors welcome contributions, which are not restricted to biographies alone. Any articles, translations, poems, and stories of interest to Buddhist readers will be gladly received and considered for publication.

Dharma Master Tsu Yin

Dharma Master Tsu Yin(祖印)left home at Kuo En Temple(國恩寺)on Lung Mountain(龍山), Hsin Hsing(新興)County, Canton, China in 1946. The following year he received the complete precepts from the Great Master Hsu Yun(虛雲)at Nan Hua(南華)Monastery, after which he studied at the Nan Hua Vinaya Institute.

The times were not the most peaceful for cultivation, and disturbances sometimes interrupted the on-going work, Difficulties grew, and he left the mainland for Hong Kong in 1951.

In Hong Kong he continued his cultivation and study, investigating the teachings with Dharma Master Hai Jen(海仁)on Ta Yu Mountain(大嶼山). In 1957 he left Hong Kong for Hawaii, and became an instructor at the Hawaiian Chinese Buddhist Society. He takes the T'ien T'ai School as his teaching and cultivates the Pure Land (mindfulness of the Buddha) Dharma Master Tsu Yin Dharma-door.

--- When asuras look at V.B.S., their angry minds are put to rest. ---


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