作法 Directions:
1. 烤麩掰開(或切)大小適中,入油鍋炸成金黃色(或煎成金黃色)。竹筍洗淨,去外殼,切滾刀狀備用。香菇洗淨泡開,擠乾水份,切片狀(或粗絲狀)。
2. 將步驟1.之所有材料及調味料入炒鍋內,加入2杯自製高湯(或水),用小火燜煮約8分鐘,起鍋前淋上少許香油即成。
1. Cut (or tear) gluten into reasonable sized chunks. Deep fry or pan fry until golden brown. Wash the bamboo shoots and peel off the skin. Cut into irregular sizes. Soak dried mushrooms until soft. Squeeze dry and cut into slices or thick strips.
2. Add all ingredients from step 1 together with soup stock (or water) into the wok. Let cook and simmer for 8 minutes. Before scooping up, sprinkle some sesame oil. Ready to serve.
變化 Alternative:
One can also directly cook the gluten chunks without frying them. They taste flavorful as well. This method saves time, and one need not worry about the high grease content in fried food.
知識 Facts:
Mushrooms contain protein, Vitamin B-complex, D1, zinc, selenium and other minerals. They have more than ten amino acids, seven of which are essential to the human body. The Polysaccharides extract and Eritadenine in dried mushrooms help fight tumors, lower cholesterol and blood clotting. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that mushrooms are mild in nature; they are sweet in flavor and can subdue endogenous wind, invigorate blood circulation, increase appetite and aid digestion.