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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【 如來現相品第二】

Chapter Two : The Manifestations of the Thus Come One

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute

安住佛國土 出興一切處
無去亦無來 諸佛法如是


一切眾生海 佛身如影現
隨其解差別 如是見導師


一切毛孔中 各各現神通
修行普賢願 清淨者能見


佛以一一身 處處轉法輪
法界悉周遍 思議莫能及




一一佛剎中 處處坐道場
眾會共圍繞 魔軍悉摧伏


佛身放光明 遍滿於十方
隨應而示現 色相非一種


一一微塵內 光明悉充滿
普見十方土 種種各差別


十方諸剎海 種種無量剎
悉平坦清淨 帝青寶所成


或覆或旁住 或似蓮華合
或圓或四方 種種眾形相


法界諸剎土 周行無所礙
一切眾會中 常轉妙法輪


佛身不思議 國土悉在中
於其一切處 導世演真法


所轉妙法輪 法性無差別
依於一實理 演說諸法相



Dwelling in Buddhalands,
The Buddha manifests everywhere
Yet neither goes nor comes.
The Dharma of all Buddhas is thus.

Dwelling in Buddhalands, / The Buddha manifests everywhere. He gives rise to All-Wisdom. The Buddha uses all kinds of wisdom to teach beings. Yet neither goes nor comes. / The Dharma of all Buddhas is thus. The Buddha’s Dharma body neither comes nor goes.

In the ocean of all beings,
The Buddha’s body appears, like a reflection.
According to their various understandings,
They perceive that guiding teacher.

In the ocean of all beings, / The Buddha’s body appears, like a reflection. All the beings that exist can be compared to a huge ocean. The Buddha’s body is reflected in the ocean of beings, just like sunlight. According to their various understandings, / They see that guiding teacher. Every being, in the light of his own understanding, sees the Buddha coming to teach him or her.

In each and every pore,
The Buddha displays spiritual powers,
Leading beings to cultivate Universal Worthy’s vows.
Pure individuals can behold the Buddha.

In each and every pore, the Buddha can make appear lands in the ten directions as numerous as dustmotes, and in these lands, Buddhas speak Dharma. He displays spiritual powers. In each pore, there are Buddhas manifesting their spiritual powers, leading beings to cultivate Universal Worthy’s vows. All beings are seen cultivating the vows made by Universal Worthy Bodhisattva. Pure individuals can behold the Buddha. Whoever evokes a response in the Way and brings his mind to a state of purity can see the Buddha.

The Buddha, in every single body,
Turns the Dharma wheel in all places.
Pervading the Dharma Realm,
He transcends thought and speech.

The Buddha, in every single body, / Turns the Dharma wheel in all places. Each Buddha goes everywhere in his Dharma body, turning the great Dharma wheel and speaking Dharma to teach beings. Completely pervading every place in the Dharma Realm, / He transcends thought and speech. Beings cannot conceive of this in their thoughts or express it in words.

Then in the assembly’s midst, another Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Infinite Light of Awesome Virtue and Wisdom received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, contemplated the ten directions, and spoke a verse.

Then in the assembly’s midst, in the sea-like assembly of Shakyamuni Buddha, there was another Bodhisattva Mahasattva, a great Bodhisattva among the Bodhisattvas, named Infinite Light of Awesome Virtue and Wisdom. There was no end to this Bodhisattva’s light. He received the Buddha’s awesome spiritual power, contemplated the causes and conditions throughout the ten directions, and spoke a verse.

In every Buddhaland,
A Buddha sits in a bodhimanda.
The multitudes gather ‘round,
And all demon armies are subdued.

In every Buddhaland, / A Buddha sits in a bodhimanda. In every Buddhaland, a Buddha sits under the bodhi tree and turns the great Dharma wheel. The multitudes gather ‘round. When a Buddha is seated in his bodhimanda, the Bodhisattvas come to praise and surround him. And all demon armies are subdued. All the demon kings are vanquished.

Light streams from the Buddha’s body,
Suffusing the ten directions.
In response to beings, he manifests
Various forms, not just a single kind.

Light streams from the Buddha’s body, / Suffusing the ten directions. The Buddha’s light fills the Dharma Realm. In response to beings, he manifests / Various forms of various causes and conditions, not just a single kind. Buddhas manifest in all kinds of bodies. They manifest in whatever kind of body is appropriate to speak the Dharma for beings and to guide them to liberation.

Within every mote of dust,
Glowing with luminous radiance,
A panorama of ten directions’ lands are seen,
Their qualities and features each unique.

Within every mote of dust in every land, glowing with luminous radiance./ A panorama in a single pore, the ten directions’ lands and the beings within them are seen,/ Their qualities and features each unique.

The ten directions’ oceans of lands
Contain lands, infinite and various.
All are level and pristine,
Formed and constituted of sapphires.

The ten directions’ oceans of lands / Contains lands, infinite and various. Each ocean of lands contains limitless oceans of lands. All the Buddhalands are level and pristine, / Formed and constituted of sapphires.

They may be overturned, or sideways,
Or resemble a closed lotus bud.
They may be circular or rectangular,
Or of other sorts of shapes and forms.

They may be overturned, or sideways, lying side by side with each other, or resemble a closed lotus bud. Some worlds resemble lotus buds that have not yet opened. They may be circular or rectangular, / Or of other sorts of shapes and forms. These Buddhalands have various shapes and forms.

Through every land of the Dharma Realm,
They travel without hindrance.
At every gathering and assembly,
They ever turn the wondrous Dharma wheel.

Through every land of the Dharma Realm, / They travel without hindrance. The Buddha travels unhindered through every land, teaching beings. At every gathering and assembly, every Buddha’s assembly in every land, they ever turn the wondrous and inconceivable Dharma wheel.

Inconceivable, the Buddha’s body
Holds within it all lands.
He is present everywhere,
Guiding beings and teaching true Dharma.

Inconceivable, the Buddha’s body / Holds within it all lands. In every land, there is a Buddha speaking Dharma. He is present everywhere, / Guiding beings and teaching true Dharma. The Buddha is at every Dharma assembly, teaching beings and speaking the wonderful Dharma.

He turns the wheel of wondrous Dharma.
The Dharma nature is free of discriminations.
In accordance with the one and only Truth,
He expounds the characteristics of all dharmas.

He turns the wondrous Dharma wheel. / The fundamental Dharma nature is free of discriminations. What is the fundamental Dharma nature? It is in accordance with the one and only Truth. Based on the only truth, he expounds the true characteristics of all dharmas.

To be continued


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