作法 Directions:
1. 將高麗菜整顆洗淨,對切成6大塊。香菇洗淨泡軟,切絲。金針洗淨打結(或不打)。
2. 水入鍋(蓋過高麗菜的水量),大火煮滾,放入高麗菜、香菇、金針、醬油,先用大火煮滾後,改小火燜30分鐘即成。
1. Wash cabbage. Cut into 6 big chunks. Soak dried mushrooms until soft, then julienne. Wash dried lily flowers. These may be tied into knots.
2. Fill a pot with enough water to cover cabbage. When the water boils, add cabbage, mushrooms, lily flowers and soy sauce. Cook over high heat until water boils. Turn heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes. Ready to serve.
知識 Facts:
高麗菜含A、C等多種維他命。其含量超過桃、梨和蘋果,比西紅柿多三倍。高麗菜所含人體必需的 微量元素,在各類蔬菜中名列前五名;其中鈣含量比黃瓜多四倍,比西紅柿多七倍。高麗菜含有較多的錳,可以促進物質代謝。所以,讓孩子多吃些高麗菜,對其發育成長大有益處。
Cabbage contains various vitamins such as A and C. Its vitamin content surpasses that of peaches, pears and apples and is three times that of persimmons. Cabbages have trace elements needed by human bodies. It is listed as one of the top five vegetables among various greens.
It has four times more calcium than cucumber and 7 times more than persimmons. Cabbage also contains a considerable amount of manganese that helps our metabolism. Hence, encouraging children to consume more cabbage will help their physical development.