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Dharma Realm Recipes

法界食譜--養生紫菜醬 (約4~6人份)
Dharma Realm Recipes
Nourishing Seaweed Paste
(Serves 4 - 6 people)

English Translated by Shramanerika Jin Jing

法語:血肉淋漓味足珍 一般痛苦怨難伸
   設身處地捫心想 誰肯將刀割自身 ── 宋‧陸游
   Bloody flesh, rich in flavor
   Pain and agony, hard to express
   Put yourself in their shoes:
   Who is willing to cut their own body with a knife?
    ── Lu You (Song Dynasty)

材料 Main ingredients:

無沙乾紫菜 1片
醬油1茶匙 糖1茶匙 白醋1茶匙

Clean dry seaweed - 1 sheet
Soy Sauce   1 teaspoon
Sugar     1 teaspoon
Vinegar    1 teaspoon

作法 Directions:

1. 將紫菜剪成2公分寬,用水洗淨,撈起瀝乾水份。
2. 水入鍋煮開,放入紫菜絲汆燙,撈起瀝乾水份,加入調味料,拌均勻即可食用。

1. Cut the sheet of seaweed into one-inch-wide strips. Wash with water. Drain and let dry.
2. Boil water in a pot. Boil the seaweed briefly. Scoop up. Drain and let dry. Add seasonings and mix well. Ready to serve.

秘訣 Tips:


After being boiled briefly, the more thoroughly the seaweed is drained, the more flavorful it is.

知識 Facts:


Seaweed is full of nutrients such as protein, iodine, calcium, phosphorous, iron, selenium, Vitamins A and C, folic acid and chlorophyll. It is known as a ‘treasure trove of trace elements'. Chinese medicine considers seaweed to be cool in nature with a sweet and salty flavor. It can reduce phlegm and clear heat and is diuretic. It is high in protein, low in fat, and rich in minerals and vitamins. It's a perfect cooking ingredient.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea