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【卷五 從地湧出品第十五】

Roll Five, Chapter Fifteen: Welling forth from the Earth

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute









Such are the Bodhisattva’s powers. There are so many Bodhisattvas; you could never count them. Their spiritual penetrations and great wisdom are such. Their spiritual penetrations are great, and the power of their wisdom is great. Because their wisdom power is great, their spiritual penetrations are great. Because they have great spiritual penetrations, they have great wisdom. Throughout the four directions, / The earth quakes and splits open. Because their spiritual powers are great and their wisdom is great, the earth—north, south, east, and west—trembles and splits open, and they rise up out of it. They issue forth, welling forth out of the earth like a bubbling spring.

World Honored One, from of old—from the long distant past onwards—I have never seen such a thing. I have seen many inconceivable states, but this state I have never seen. Just imagine, even Maitreya Bodhisattva has never seen such an event. I hope the World Honored One will be greatly compassionate and tell us where these Bodhisattvas have come from. Pray tell us the names / Of the countries they come from. What countries are they in and what are the names of those countries? Although I am a Bodhisattva, I don’t know anything about these matters. I am always roaming through the lands. Previously I told you that Maitreya Bodhisattva is always taking vacations—going on holidays—to all the different countries. Now he tells us that himself. No wonder Americans love to go on vacations. Even Bodhisattvas like to travel. But I have never seen this assembly. Although I have been to many lands—I’ve been everywhere—I have never met these Bodhisattvas. I do not recognize / A single one in this multitude. I don’t have a single friend among them. I’m not acquainted with any of them. I don’t have “the irreversible Bodhisattvas as my companins.”

Suddenly they have welled forth out of the earth. / Pray explain the reason why. He is unclear about what is happening. Even Maitreya Bodhisattva is confused, because he doesn’t know who they are. Not knowing is a kind of confusion. “Although I’m unclear, I’d like to get clear. Shakyamuni Buddha, please tell us about the causes and conditions of these Bodhisattvas. Let us hear about them. Will you do to it? Shakyamuni Buddha, I know you are very compassionate, and surely you will tell us.”

Now in this great assembly, / The limitless hundreds of thousands of millions / Of Bodhisattvas all—not just I, Maitreya Bodhisattva—wish to understand this event. They are of the same mind as I am. I want to know because I know they want to know. And so now I am requesting on their behalf. What are the causes and conditions, first to last, / Of this host of Bodhisattvas? Their very beginnings are their formative stages. I want to know their formative stages on through to the very end. I want to know their causes and conditions. We want to know their proximate causes and remote causes. I want to know their background. We want to know all about them. O World Honored One of limitless virtue, / We only pray you will resolve the assembly’s doubts. World Honored One, you have limitless blessings, limitless wisdom, and limitless virtue. My only hope is that you will resolve the assembly’s doubts, so we can all understand the causes and conditions behind what is happening here.

At that time all the division-body Buddhas of Shakyamuni Buddha, who had come from limitless thousands of myriads of kotis of lands in other directions, sat in lotus posture on lion thrones beneath jeweled trees throughout the eight directions. Each of the attendants of those Buddhas, seeing this great assembly of Bodhisattvas of the three thousand great thousand worlds welling forth out of the earth in the four directions and dwelling in empty space, said to his respective Buddha, “World Honored One, where have all the limitless boundless, asamkhyeyas of Bodhisattvas in this great host come from?”

In the previous verse section, Maitreya Bodhisattva expressed his doubts. Now the attendants that the Shakyamuni Buddhas have brought with them, their disciples, having seen this rare occurrence of the arrival of so many Great Bodhisattvas, have false thoughts and doubts, too: “Where did all these Bodhisattvas come from? Why have so many people come today? So many Bodhisattvas! Where could they have come from?”

At that time all the Division-Body Buddhas, whom Shakyamuni Buddha had sent to all the limitless lands, came to here from limitless thousands of myriads of kotis of lands in other directions. Beneath jeweled trees throughout the eight directions: They dwell in the eight directions—east, south, west, north, southwest, southeast, northwest, and northeast. There are four directions proper and four intermediate directions. They sat in lotus posture on lion thrones. Lotus posture is most honored, most venerated in Buddhism; those of you who study the Buddhadharma should first know how to sit in the lotus position.

To be continued


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