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Dharma Realm Recipes

Dharma Realm Recipes
Savory Tofu
(4 servings)

周芳枝 英譯 English translation by Fanny Chou

法語:下功斷緣戒殺,中功斷緣兼素,上功斷緣放生。   ── 李炳南老居士

Dharma: Those with little skill refrain from killing. Those with average skill refrain from killing and also practice vegetarianism. Those with advanced skill not only refrain from killing but also liberate lives.
── By Upasaka Li Bing-nan

材料 Main ingredients:

嫩豆腐 1盒
Tofu     1 box

調味料 Ingredients for sauce:

醬油1/2茶匙  素香鬆少許  芹菜末少許

Soy sauce     ½ teaspoon
Vegetarian soy crisps Some
Minced celery    Some


作法 Directions:

1. Boil water in a pot. Add tofu and bring to a boil. Scoop out tofu and let drain. When cool, slice tofu into pieces arrange on a plate.
2. Add soy sauce and ¼ cup of water to pot. When it boils, pour the sauce on top of the tofu as a dressing. Sprinkle vegetarian soy crisps and minced celery on top. Ready to serve.

小技巧 Tips:

用餐前才做較佳 (或調味料於食用前再洒上),因豆腐會生出水份,使得素香鬆變濕,會減少口感。
Cook right before the meal (or add sauce right before serving) for better taste. Otherwise, the water produced from the tofu will make the vegetarian crisps soggy and spoil the taste.

知識 Facts:

Tofu has twice as much protein as milk. Tofu is the best source of protein for seniors. Since tofu contains more calcium, magnesium and iron, it is good for the bones, heart and blood production. Tofu contains eight kinds of amino acids needed by the human body, as well as unsaturated fatty acids and soy Linthicum, which are not found in animal products and can prevent Alzheimer's Disease.


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