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News from the Dharma Realm

A Report on the Ceremony for Entering Monastic Life

比丘尼恆教 文 by Bhikshuni Heng Jiao
比丘尼恆良 英譯 English Translated by Bhikshuni Heng Liang



Two of the important and happy DRBA Sangha events that took place in 2005 were hosted by the City of the Dharma Realm (CDR), in West Sacramento, California. The 108-day Ordination Training Program took place during the first half of the year. Between April and August, 2005, twenty-six Shramanerikas [novice nuns], having already undergone the minimum required years of preliminary Shramanerika training, gathered at CDR to undergo the final, intensive program in preparation for Full Ordination. Transmission of the Complete Precepts took place, as always, at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB).

The second important Sangha event that took place at CDR happened on the first day of the annual Amitabha recitation session, when, along with one novice nun at Gold Buddha Monastery who entered the monastic life first, eight women made vows to join the ranks of the DRBA Sangha and receive the Ten Precepts, to continue its traditions.






Over the years, DRBA leaving-home ceremonies have been held in various of its monasteries, including Gold Mountain Monastery, San Francisco; Gold Buddha Monastery, Vancouver; Long Beach Monastery; Avatamsaka Monastery, Calgary; and at several DRBA monasteries in Taiwan. This was the second time a leaving-home ceremony was held at CDR; the first was held in 1993.

The shaving head ceremony and transmission of the Ten Novice Precepts followed by a transmission of the Three Refuges and Five Precepts to the lay congregation, took place from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The majority of the more than sixty recipients of the Three Refuges and Five Precepts were of Laotian descent. The large assembly also included relatives and friends of the new Shramanerikas from as far away as Atlanta and Seattle, along with Dharma protectors from the local area. The joy of Dharma inspired by this event warmed the atmosphere of CDR.

Dharma Masters Heng Sure and Jin Yong were the Precept Transmission Master and teaching Archaya, respectively. Dharma Masters Heng Ch’ih, Heng Liang, Heng Yun, Heng Gwei, and Heng Shr represented the DRBA Bhikshuni Sangha in shaving the heads of the new novices and bestowing their precept sashes, bowls, and sitting clothes. By the time the ceremony was completed, the appearances of these eight lay women had transformed into those of great heroes.

The Dharma names of these eight newly left-home people are: Jin Mu (Chin Lian), Jin Pu (Chin Ti), Jin Ji (Chin Miao), Jin Xi (Chin She), Jin Deng (Chin Ran), Jin Jing (Chin Yi), Jin Ren (Chin Neng), Jin Le (Chin Mi). They have all resided and served in CTTB or other DRBA monasteries for at least the required two years, and their ages fall between 32 and 61. One among them had been head chef of Jyun Kang Vegetarian Restaurant at CTTB for over ten years, and two others had been dedicated and helpful restaurant support staff members. Another new Shramanerika currently teaches at both Instilling Goodness Elementary School and Dharma Realm Buddhist University’s ESL Department. Also among this group are two translators who contribute to—one English and the other Spanish—Buddhist Text Translation Society publications. Another new Shramanerika has worked diligently for CTTB’s main kitchen and Guest Prefect departments. Last but not least, one who has tirelessly served DRBA branch monasteries in Taiwan came to the US especially for this event.

Despite the tight schedule of the day’s events, DM Sure and DM Ch’ih both managed to find a little time to treat the assembly with delightful and inspiring Dharma talks.





Following transmission of the Ten Shramanerika Precepts, DM Sure delivered an encouraging instructional talk to the new Shramanerikas, reminding them that Shakyamuni Buddha’s life as a Bhikshu was neither easy nor comfortable, and challenging them to courageously continue forward in the Way and to never forget this day and their Bodhi resolve to cultivate as members of the monastic Sangha.

DM Sure also gave a talk during the daily meal offering, telling of Great Master Hsuan Tsang, who traveled to the far reaches of India in search of the Buddha’s teachings. Throughout his long journey, he was treasured wherever he went as a greatly virtuous Sanghan and one of the finest intellects the world had known. Time and time again he was offered vast wealth and fame, and each time he humbly refused it. Finally, after many years, he returned to China on foot with only his robes and bowl, and a backpack filled with precious Sutras and several Buddha images. Thus he serves not only as one of the greatest scholars in Buddhist history, but also as a most virtuous model for today’s Sangha to follow.

DM Ch’ih also graced the assembly with a Dharma talk, recalling the day, thirty-some years ago, when the Venerable Master shaved her head. She explained that actually she’d had the opportunity of being a Shramanerika for a mere day before leaving for Taiwan to enter the Precept Platform and receive the complete precepts. That was because right up to that time some of the five candidates worked outside each day to help support the advent of Buddhism in the West. Those were the early days, when DRBA funds were extremely scarce. Before she and her Dharma brothers boarded the airplane, the Venerable Master told her that the money which the five had earned and donated DRBA, had been saved by him and used finance their round-trip air tickets to Taiwan.

DM Ch’ih encouraged the new Shramanerikas to cherish their ideal causes and conditions, to build a firm foundation for cultivation, to learn from good examples, and become good models themselves in the future. Being among the first to leave home in the U.S. under the Venerable Master, as a Shramanerika she had no Bhikshuni model to follow and to ask questions about the life of a nun; in contrast, DM Ch’ih pointed out to the new Shramanerikas how very lucky they are to have so many fine, experienced Dharma brothers to learn from.

With the conclusion of the daily meal offering, the day’s ceremonies ended. Carrying with them the good wishes of their relatives and friends and Dharma brothers, the eight new Shramanerikas rejoined their respective monasteries to embark on their new lives among the Sangha.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea