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【卷五 從地湧出品第十五】

roll five, chapter fifteen: Welling forth from the Earth

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute




有一個消息告訴大家,在這個禮拜六,請大家都到這兒來喫中飯,來的人越多越好。因為我們這兒請檀香山來的一個法師到這兒喫中飯,我們人多一點,在面子上,是比較好看的;看你們這些美國人,這麼歡喜學佛法,被這個不會講法的法師,都給說得有這麼多人來聽,令他就感覺上很好的。可是他是外邊來的法師,不是我們本堂的;他和我有甚麼關係呢?本來也可以說是有關係,也可以說是沒有關係。有關係,甚麼關係?是同學的,我們以前在一起學習佛法,這是可以說是有關係。怎麼說又可以沒有關係呢?等到了美國這兒,就是不相往來了,誰和誰也不通信、也很少見面的,好像就沒有甚麼關係了似的。所以你們各位在那一天,若歡喜供養三寶的話,因為他是新來的法師,你們居士誰願意供養,也不必太多了,也不必太少了。多少錢呢?歡喜供養的,或者多也不超過一塊錢,少也不超過One dollar;在這個中道,來和他結結緣,這是願意的。若不願意的、沒有錢的,也不必勉強;有錢的,也不要省。這是你們皈依三寶的人,應該和出家人結緣,應該在出家人面前種福。我不知道他是哪一個羅漢來的、也不知道哪一個菩薩來的、也不知道他是哪一尊佛來的?再說一句話,我也不知道他是哪一個鬼來的?因為不知道,所以你必須要結結緣!那麼你不要錯過機會、不要lost this opportunity。不要像果唐似的,外邊來一個法師,他供養三十塊錢,就把這個法師給供養得天天都來聽經;聽了五、六天之後,又看有人供養我,沒有供養他,以後再也不來聽經了。所以,你們各位要注意這一點!為甚麼要說是「多不超過一塊錢,少不超過一塊錢」呢?因為你們要是錢太多,可以供養本常住。本常住這一些個法師對我講,天天說沒有人供養、天天說沒有錢用;我本來不想說這個倒架子的話,但是逼得我沒有辦法,不說,大家也不知道,所以也就要說一說。再告訴你們,你們就供養本堂的法師,也是供養廟上就可以了,不要單獨的供養某一個。供養廟上,大家有飯吃,這就是得到大家的供養;不要等到沒有飯喫的時候,把你們美國的和尚都餓死了,那可真是你們在家人罪過不小了!


These limitless thousands of myriads of kotis of Bodhisattvas
are forming a great host,
Such as we have never seen before.
We pray the Doubly-Complete Honored One
Will tell us where they came from
And why they are gathered here.
They have huge bodies, great spiritual penetrations,
And inconceivable wisdom.
They are solid in resolve and will,
And possess the great power of patience.
Living beings delight in seeing them.
But where did they come from?

These limitless thousands of myriads of kotis, so many Bodhisattvas! Such a vast host of Great Bodhisattvas! Beyond count! Ultimately how many are there? Thousands of tens of thousands of millions of kotis—I can’t figure out that number! These Bodhisattvas are forming a great host. So many Bodhisattvas, such as we have never seen before. Although there are so many, I never met a single one of them in the past. I’ve been to many places, but I have never encountered any of these Great Bodhisattvas.

We pray the Doubly-Complete Honored One will explain. We hope the Thus Come One, who is replete with both blessings and wisdom will tell us where they came from. From what place are these limitless, boundless, thousands of myriads of kotis of Bodhisattvas coming? I’ve traveled to many places. I’ve gone on many vacations, but I’ve never happened upon any of these Bodhisattvas. I’ve been all over the Dharma Realm, and I never encountered one.

Why are they gathered here? What are the causes and conditions that bring them to assemble in this place? They have huge bodies and great spiritual penetrations. They are physically big—extremely tall. With such large bodies, their spiritual penetrations are also certainly not going to be small. They must have great spiritual penetrations, no doubt much greater by far than those possessed by Mahamaudgalyayana. And their wisdom is inconceivable wisdom. We can’t fathom their wisdom. We have no way to comprehend the magnitude of their wisdom. Both their spiritual penetrations and their wisdom are vast. We can neither conceive of them with our minds nor express them in words.

They are solid in resolve and will. These Great Bodhisattvas’ determination is definitely firm and strong. Their three kinds of learning to be without outflows—precepts, samadhi, and wisdom—are certainly exceptionally solid. They possess the great power of patience. They possess the great power of giving, the great power of precepts, the great power of patience, the great power of vigor, the great power of samadhi, and the great power of prajna. Living beings delight in seeing them. Everyone likes to see these Great Bodhisattvas. Everyone delights in hearing them speak the Dharma. But where did they come from? Will the World Honored One please tell us? We all want to hear about these causes and conditions.

Originally I was going to ask you to identify one of the Arhat disciples, whose accomplishment I mentioned yesterday. I had told you that if you couldn’t answer, then I wouldn’t lecture. But I forgot to ask prior to the lecture, and only remembered as I began to lecture. Once I thought of it, I said to myself, “I’d better just go ahead and lecture tonight and then ask at the end of the lecture. And if no one can answer the question, then I won’t lecture tomorrow night. Because if I asked at the beginning of the lecture, right after I had ascended the Dharma seat, and then didn’t lecture, that would disappoint everyone. But to ask now, at the end of the lecture, will prepare you in advance for the fact that I’m not going to lecture tomorrow night if no one knows the answer.

Question: And so, who is foremost in debate?

Answer: Mahakaushthila.

All you need to do is remember this verse, and you’ll be relatively well-informed about the Ten Foremost Disciples’ abilities:

Shari is wisdom; Maudgal, penetrations.

Speaking the Dharma is Purna.

Subhuti is empty; Kaushthila debates.

Kashyapa practices dhuta.

Ruddha has the heavenly eye,

Pali upholds the precepts,

Rejoicing (Ananda) has much erudition.

Practice in secret is Rahu.

To be continued


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