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Dharma Realm Recipes

法界食譜----雙色木耳 (約4~6人份)
Dharma Realm Recipes
Two Colored Wood Ear Fungus (4-6 servings)

周芳枝 英譯 English translation by Fanny Chou

材料 Main ingredients:

新鮮黑木耳300公克(半斤)  泡開白木耳1碗
Fresh black wood ear fungus 300g (about 2/3 lb)
Dried white wood ear fungus 1 bowl (steep in water until soft)

調味料 Ingredients for sauce:

薑絲半碗  醬油2大匙
shredded ginger ½ bowl
soy sauce 2 tablespoons


作法 Directions:

(1) 洗淨材料,去根部,用手撕成大小適中。
Wash the fungus clean and cut off the roots. Tear the fungus into appropriately-sized pieces for cooking.

(2) 油1大匙入炒鍋,放入薑絲略炒,加入醬油,再炒出香味,放入雙色木耳,再翻炒,淋入半碗自熬高湯(或水),燜煮約3分鐘即可起鍋。
Place a large spoonful of oil in wok and stir fry the ginger briefly. Add soy sauce and cook briefly. Add wood ear fungus and stir fry some more. Add water or stock and cook for about 3 minutes.

小技巧 Tips:

Try to use fresh black fungus since it contains more calcium and is suitable for frequent consumption.

變化 Alternative Recipe:

One may add a few slices of pineapple to produce a different flavor.

知識 Nutrition Facts:

Wood ear Fungus contains protein, fat, sugar, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron), and vitamins such as Beta carotene, riboflavin and folic acid. Wood Ear Fungus also contains vegetable gelatin, a natural nutrient. The polysaccharides found in fungus can fight cancer.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea