正法印 Proper Dharma Seal
- 大方廣佛華嚴經淺釋
The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary (下載PDF)
- 妙法蓮華經淺釋
The Dharma Flower Sutra with Commentary (下載PDF)
- 大佛頂首楞嚴經淺釋
The Shurangama Sutra with Commentary (下載PDF)
人物誌 Biographies
Lives of the Patriarchs: Patriarchs of the Forty-second
Dhyana Master Wenyi (Literary Benefit) of the Fayan (Dharma Eye)
School (下載PDF)
Reflections in the Water-Mirrors: Turning the Tide of Destiny
Mencius (下載PDF)
專文介紹 Special Features
- 梵文第六十七課
Sanskrit Lesson # 67 (下載PDF)
法語法雨 Dharma Talk Dharma Rain
- 1988 年護國息災觀音大悲法會 (續)
A Guanyin Dharma Assembly to Protect the Nation and Quell Disasters
in the Republic of China (continued) (下載PDF)
- 初步參禪的方法 (十一)
Basic Methods of Investigating Chan (11) (下載PDF)
菩提田 Bodhi Field
- 義工生活體驗之點滴
Reflections on Volunteering at Developing Virtue Secondary
School (下載PDF)
- 日日善心─紀錄法界聖城 2004年夏令營
A Kind Heart Everyday--A report on 2004 CDR Summer Camp (下載PDF)
- 一個母親的心聲
The Sounds from a Mother's Heart (下載PDF)
- 何以素食者乃智者也
Why Vegetarians Are Smart People (下載PDF)
- 法藥
Dharma Medicine (下載PDF)
- 都是難民─佛教徒對無家可歸的反思
We Are All Refugees --Buddhist Reflections on Radical
Homelessness (下載PDF)
- 菩提鏡:願將深心奉塵剎─介紹比丘恆江師
Bodhi Mirror: Offering a Deep Resolve to the Myriad Guddhas' Lands--
Introducing Bhikshu Shi
- 菩提臺:天生篤孝 長者風範─介紹男校校長邁克‧巴斯帝先生
Bodhi Stand: Cracking Open the Door for Orthodox Buddhism in
Mainstream America--
Introducing Upasika Elieen Hu (下載PDF)
法界音 News from the Dharma Realm
- 闖關第一步─記培德高中高分通過美西院校協會第一階段評鑑
First Step Towards Accreditation--Developing Virtue Secondary
School Becomes a Candidate for WASC Accreditation (下載PDF)
- 法總弘法團訪歐
DRBA Delegation Visits Europe (下載PDF)
- 培德中學贏得全美中國文化常識比賽季、殿軍
Developing Virtue Schools Place Third and Fourth in National Chinese
Culture Competition (下載PDF)
封背 Back Cover
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