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【 佛祖道影白話解 】

Lives of the Patriarchs

四十一祖地藏桂琛禪師 (續)
Patriarchs of the Forty-first Generation:
Dhyana Master Guichen of Earth Store Monastery

宣公上人講於一九八四年三月二十一日 Lectured by the Venerable Master on march 21, 1984
國際譯經學院記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute 修訂版 Revised version


失足踏翻 唯心三界
拈出當陽 縱橫無礙
博飯栽田 諸方仰戴
地藏古佛 光明猶在







A verse in praise says:

He lost his footing and turned things over.
The three realms are only the mind.
He picked it up at exactly the right moment.
Vertically and horizontally there was no obstruction.
There was ample rice from planting the fields.
People from all quarters admired him.
It was as if light from the ancient
Earth Store Buddha still remained.

He lost his footing and turned things over.
He overturned Heaven and earth. The three realms are only the mind. The three realms are not beyond a single thought in the mind. He picked it up at exactly the right moment. It was exactly right, and at the appropriate time. Vertically and horizontally there was no obstruction. If you want to go east, you can go east. If you want to go west, you can go west. If you want to go south, you can go south. If you want to go north, you can go north. Vertically and horizontally within the three realms, there were no obstructions. There was ample rice from planting the fields. He did not seek outwardly. He ate very plain and bland food and planted the fields there – speaking the Buddhadharma as if planting the fields. People in the assembly bringing forth the resolve for bodhi was like the fields producing grain.

People from all quarters admired him. People from all areas esteemed and cherished him. All the people in the Way-place admired and respected him very much. It was as if light from the ancient / Earth Store Buddha still remained. In Earth Store Monastery, he was like the ancient Buddha Earth Store, as if the Buddha was still emitting great light.

Another verse says:

The three realms are mind alone—
What is your understanding?
“Chair,” “wood,” “bamboo,” are all false names.
Your mind is that way, free from calculations.
My thoughts are cut off and words are rare.
Throughout space and the great earth, no one knows me.
In seas of worlds like motes of dust, few recognize me.
Dhyana Master True Response’s light shines everywhere.
The fourfold assembly of disciples always follows him.

The three realms are mind alone –What is your understanding? What do you think? Do you think the three realms being only the mind is right? Do you understand or not? If you understand, then what is meant by the three realms being only the mind? What is the meaning of everything being made from the mind alone? As it is said:

A person who wishes to understand
All Buddhas of the three periods of time
Should contemplate the nature of the Dharma Realm;
Everything is made from the mind alone.

What is meant by, “Everything is made from the mind alone?” What is being made or created?

“Chair,” “wood,” “bamboo” are all false names. “Chair” is a false name; “bamboo” and “wood” are false names, too. They have no actual substance to them. Then why are they called those names? It is because living beings gave them those names. Actually, whether they are really called those names is beyond the scope of this discussion. They are all false names. If from the start people had not been called “people,” but had been called “dogs,” no one would consider it insulting to be addressed as a dog. But now that the terms are fixed, if you call people by some other name, they don’t like it. They get angry and say, “You’re calling me names!” That’s simply because the terms have been defined, and people have developed attachments concerning them. But suppose at the beginning, before any terms existed, people had been called something else – for example, when a child was born, if you called it “kitty,” then it would be a cat. If you called it “doggy,” it would be a dog. If when the child grew up you referred to it as “doggy,” or “kitty,” the child wouldn’t know you were insulting it. That would simply be its name.

Your mind is like that, free from calculations. “Your mind is like that, and my mind is like that, too.” One should be free from attachments and reckonings, that is, from thinking of what something is and what it is called.

My thoughts are cut off and words are rare. The path of my thinking, my reflecting, is gone.

The path of language is cut off,
And the place of the mind’s workings is extinguished.

Throughout space and the great earth, no one knows me. To the ends of space and the entire earth, there isn’t anyone who truly knows me. In seas of worlds like motes of dust, few recognize me. There isn’t anyone who knows my sound or who recognizes me – no one at all.

Dhyana Master True Response’s light shines everywhere. He was like a sturdy candle in a gale, pure gold in a blazing fire, a dragon and elephant among people, the sun, moon, and stars in the sky – and so his light shines universally. The fourfold assembly of disciples – Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, Upasakas, and Upasikas – always follows him to study the Buddhadharma.


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