核桃100g (採用美國萬佛城自產之有機核桃效果最佳)、紅棗10粒、枸杞20g、蘋果1個、玉米粒半碗、馬鈴薯2個、地瓜1條、紅蘿蔔1條、小黃瓜一條、紫高麗菜2片、縐葉萵苣1~2棵、沙拉醬適量。
Walnut Salad
Walnuts 100g (preferably the organically grown walnuts produced by the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas), 10 red dates, wolfberry seeds 20g, 1 apple, ½ bowl corn kernels, 2 potatoes, 1 sweet potato, 1 carrot, 1 cucumber, purple cabbage 2 leaves, Romaine lettuce 1-2 stalks, salad dressing.
1. Bake walnuts slightly over a slow fire. Wash red dates, remove the seeds and cut lengthwise. Wash wolfberry seeds and let dry. Peel apple (not necessary if organically grown), cut into cubes and soak in salt water. Cut cucumber into cubes.
2. Wash purple cabbage and cut into strips. Wash Romaine lettuce and let dry.
3. Peel potatoes and sweet potato and cut into slices. Peel carrot and cut into cubes. Steam them until cooked, and while still hot, mash the potatoes and sweet potato. When they have cooled, pour in the ingredients (1) (except the walnuts) and at the same time add a suitable amount of salad dressing and mix evenly.
4. Line the bottom of a tray with Romaine lettuce. Line the sides of the tray with the purple cabbage strips, and pour the mixture from (3) into the center of the tray. Sprinkle the crushed walnuts on top.
*The cucumber should be scrubbed with a little salt to marinate it slightly. This method produces a fine flavor and is worth trying out.
