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Dharma Talks by the Venerable Master Hua

Basic Methods of Investigating Chan (3)

比丘尼恆君師彙編 Compiled by Bhikshuni Heng Jyun
劉峻松 英譯 English Translation by : Low Choon Song


千錘百煉成道器 八方風雨亦不驚























Section 2 — Sitting in Lotus Posture

Forged into a vessel of the Spiritual Path,
Unmoved by storms in the eight directions

What is the full lotus posture? Just take a look at how the Buddha sits. The Buddha is sitting in full lotus. What are the advantages of sitting this way? This is the posture for subduing demons. It is the ideal posture for Chan meditation. It will help to calm your mind and prevent distraction. In Buddhism, the full lotus posture is also known as the vajra jeweled posture. If you can sit in full lotus, the gods will protect and guard you, saying, “ Right now, this person can sit in full lotus posture. He is not afraid of pain; and having overcome the pain, he has set his mind on the Path; therefore we should protect him.”

1. This is Unawareness, not Transcendent Awareness

Q: Transcendent Meditation involves listening to a particular sound until our mind feels as if “sinking to the ocean’s bottom.” It is a pleasurable experience, which I have experienced a few times myself. Later, I felt that the sound sounds like a shrimp and since then, the results are not as good as before. I wonder why?

A: Your wanting to hear a sound is your false thinking. This is false awareness, not transcendent awareness. It should be very natural, very spontaneous; there should be no greed, no craving, and no expectations. If you crave something and hold out an expectation, then that is being unaware, not transcendent awareness.

Q: Is this a good way to meditate?

A: This is a method thought up by people who cannot sit in full lotus posture. If you want to meditate, first learn to sit in full lotus. If one does not learn the full lotus posture, it is impossible to realize the Path. It is analogous to studying; if one does not study, how would one learn new words? Thus, if one does not really cultivate, but expects to become enlightened by taking drugs, how could this be possible?!

2. Which leg should be on top?

Q: Which leg should be on top (when sitting in full lotus)?

A: First, place your left leg on top of your right leg. Then move your right ankle up on top of your left leg. The left leg represents the Yang and the right leg represents the Yin. Thus, placing the left leg on top of the right and then moving the right over the left symbolizes the Yin and the Yang. To put your right leg on top of the left, instead of the other way round, would strengthen the Yin while diminishing the Yang. In China, no matter where a monk goes, once he closes his eyes and sits down in full lotus, someone will come and make offerings to him. However, you should not learn the full lotus position because you want offerings. Never do it to build your own reputation or to pretend to be an old cultivator. If you are willing to do a bit of manual work, the money you earn will definitely be much more than your offerings. If you are learning this solely because of your greed for offerings, then you should not learn it at all; you will not get enough to feed yourself nor will you become rich.

3. Golden Pagoda? Silver Pagoda? Mud?

Notice that all Buddhas sit in full lotus posture. If you can achieve that, you already have inconceivable merit and virtue. The beings of the eightfold division will all come to protect you, and the demon kings will leave you alone. If you cannot stand the pain or if your legs are as stiff as metal and there is no way for you to sit in full lotus, you may choose to sit in half lotus but it will not be as easy to achieve samadhi. I have told all of you of the case when the ghosts met the Chan Master. Full lotus is likened to a golden pagoda. Half lotus is likened to a silver pagoda. Sitting normally with legs crossed is like a lump of mud.

When meditating, first adjust your trousers by giving a little tug upwards to give yourself more room to sit down and be more comfortable. Once you are in full lotus, be sure to cover your legs with your robes or with a blanket. Make sure they are covered well. When sitting in meditation, be sure that your legs are not cold. Not only will you feel pain if there is coldness, but later you will hardly be able to move your legs! That is why you need to cover your legs. I once saw somebody covering his head as well. That is wrong. In fact the upper part of the body should not be wrapped up in a blanket--only the legs should be covered.

4. It’s Hard to Concentrate when it is Warm

If you are afraid of the cold, you can wear more clothing. I am afraid of both the cold and of warmth. However, when I am in the Chan Hall for all these years, I never bother to wrap myself in a blanket. When I served as the doorkeeper at Proper Enlightenment Monastery in Hubei, I never covered my upper body with a blanket even when it was very cold at night. I would only cover my legs. Don't you think that it is good when it is too cold for you to sleep? When it is warm, one will feel sleepy. Thus, it is hard to concentrate when it is warm.

When it snowed during winter in Hubei, I continued to wear only three layers of clothing. Everyday in Hubei I would smell a rare fragrance. This fragrance differed from what we smell in this world. However, I didn't pay any attention to it. This could be due to the gods seeing me--a pitiful Bhikshu--continuing to meditate even when it was so cold. During that time, I continued to wear three layers of clothing even in winter, unlike now, where I wear so many clothes. This is because age is catching up with me and I don't want to be so tough anymore.

5. Advantages of Meditation

The posture in which you meditate is very important. In Japanese monasteries, they have very good meditation postures. This is something we lacked. As I am not too particular about appearances, everyone did not pay particular attention to this. It is best to sit in full lotus posture during meditation. This can subdue the demons and followers of external paths. When the demons see you as a sincere cultivator, they will be behave. The followers of external paths cannot accomplish this, and they will be scared. On one hand, it is easy to enter samadhi. On the other, your legs really hurt.

When sitting in meditation, your eyes should contemplate the nose, the nose contemplates the mouth, and the mouth contemplates the mind. There are no eyes on the nose and mouth! Well, if you succeed, you will have eyes all over your body and every pore will have countless eyes. When you see things, you need not use this pair of flesh eyes. Your whole body will become like a radar. If you succeed in cultivation, in the future you will experience such phenomena. For now, you have just begun to apply effort; you have not even taken a single step yet, but have just made a start.

6. Your Saliva Can Cure Sickness

There are no special techniques to sitting in meditation. It is best is to sit full lotus, where it is not easy to fall asleep and you can sit very firmly without falling over. When sitting in meditation, always curl the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. When a baby is born, the tips of their tongues are always pointed upwards. What is the use of this? This is connecting the Ren and Du meridians in our body. We cultivators know about the Ren and Du meridians within our body. With the tip of our tongue curled upwards, these two meridians are connected and can balance out and adjust the energy (qi) and blood circulation within us. When there is saliva, just swallow it. This saliva is known as our own water and in quantity, works as medicine and can cure all illness. This is something that you should not overlook.

7. Turtles and Chicken Eggs

When sitting in meditation, one has no false thinking and puts a stop to jealousy, obstructive thinking, ignorance and afflictions. This is a state of inconceivable merit and virtue. If you have the false thinking mentioned above, then you will have no merit and virtue. It is said, “Sitting quietly for an instant is better than building jeweled pagodas as many as sands in the Ganges river.” You should purify your minds. It is said, “When the mind is clear, it is like the water reflecting the moon. When thoughts are concentrated, it is like a cloudless sky.” When your mind is pure, it is indeed like the reflection of the moon appearing on the surface of the water. When thoughts are concentrated, it is as if there are no clouds throughout the limitless skies. Indeed, when thoughts are focused, there will be no clouds, and there will be no rain. Thus, there are “infinite miles of clear sky.”

When sitting in meditation, one should sit up straight. Do not crouch your head or bend your waist, like a turtle with its head wrapped in blankets. Don't be that way. Do not be like a spineless chicken egg, dozing off whenever you sit and not knowing whether you are practicing Chan or sleeping. In our mind, we should always investigate our meditation topic and always be sitting upright. Then we can truly cultivate Chan.

To be continued


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