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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors Reversing the Tide of Destiny

Prime Minister Wen

宣公上人講於一九八六年七月十二日lectured by the Venerable Master HUA on june 28, 1986
李治穎 英譯 English translation By Eveline Lee Zhiying


炎黃子孫 不屈不撓
百折不變 千古英豪
正氣凜然 志節彌高
蒙古欽服 稱曰奇男


















A verse in praise says:

Descendant of the Yellow Emperor, unyielding and unswayed,
Steadfast through the myriad difficulties, a hero of a thousand years.
His righteousness is awe-inspiring, his integrity wondrously high,
Respected in Mongolia, he is praised as an exceptional man.


Descendant of the Yellow Emperor, not yielding and not swayed: Wen Tianxiang truly is a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, a model for all Chinese. He had the highest integrity and nobility of character and did not yield to the evil forces and adverse situations that he faced.

Steadfast through the myriad difficulties, a hero of a thousand years: Although he underwent hundreds of difficulties and hardships, from the beginning to the end, he did not compromise his ideals and loyalty. Out of his utmost loyalty to his country, he was even willing to die. Hence he is an exceptional man, a hero of a thousand autumns and ten thousand generations.

His righteousness is awe-inspiring, his integrity wondrously high: His awe-inspiring righteousness fills the universe, startling Heaven and Earth, and causing the spirits and ghosts to weep, and men to give rise to awesome respect. His noble ideals and high moral integrity is revealed in all its luminosity in the verses of ‘The Song of Righteousness’. Like a high mountain, it causes all who gaze upon it to give rise to admiration and respect.

Respected in Mongolia, he is praised as an exceptional man: Even his enemy, the [Mongolian] Emperor Shi of the Yuan Dynasty highly admired his mortal integrity and tried various ways to force him to submit and serve him. Because he was steadfast throughout and refused to give in, with utmost regret, Emperor Shi of Yuan had no choice but to kill him. However he still acknowl-

Another verse says:

A lamp as bright as the sun and moon that illumines the world,
His rock-solid integrity startles the spirits and the ghosts.
An awe-inspiring righteousness that fills heaven and earth,
His benevolence, righteousness and loyalty are supreme from the past to the present.
A man of exceptional talent came forth in China.
The universe unanimously praises the great hero.
If everyone could emulate Prime Minister Wen,
Why fear that this world would not be at peace?


A lamp as bright as the sun and moon that illumines the world: His awe-inspiring righteousness dazzles like the light of the sun and moon. He is a beacon in the great boundless sea, illumining the heart of every Chinese.

His rock-solid integrity startles the spirits and the ghosts: His noble ideals and moral integrity are as solid as a rock, with a resounding sound. For the sake of the people of his country, he would rather sacrifice his life than yield to an evil force and power, or betray his country to seek riches and glory. This unswerving determined spirit in the face of all adversities startles heaven and earth, moving the spirits and ghosts and causing those on earth and in heaven to give rise to respect.

An awe-inspiring righteousness that fills heaven and earth: The awe-inspiring righteousness that comes from ‘The Song of Righteousness’ fills the entire universe, and remedies the lack of proper energy in heaven and on earth.

His benevolence, righteousness and loyalty are supreme from the past to the present: His humanity, justice and virtue, and his loyalty to the country reigns supreme among the people of the past and present.

A man of exceptional talent came forth in China: he is a hero, an exceptional man of talent among the Chinese people.

The universe unanimously praises the great hero: All the living beings in the universe admire and respect his heroic magnanimity and behavior.

If everyone could emulate Prime Minister Wen: If every person could follow the nobility of character and high integrity and awe-inspiring righteousness exemplified by Wen Tianxiang.

Why fear that this world would not be at peace: Why would one need to fear that there would be no peace in this world?

(The End)


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