萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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一九七零年七月號 第一卷 第一輯 第四冊
July 1970, Vol.1, Series 1, No.4


寶劍飛光透三三 魑魅魍魎各遵宣
法界妖氛從玆息 弘揚正教度坤乾

Jeweled Sword Hand and Eye

The Jeweled Sword flies, shines, and penetrates the three threes;
Li-mei and Wang-liang each listen and comply;
The Dharma realm's wierd vapours from this are put to rest.
Propagate the proper teaching, cross over female and male.

Vajra Bodhi Sea

In 1971, on the anniversary of the birth of the Sixth Patriarch, the Sino-American Buddhist Association will begin publication of a new translation of The Sixth Patriarch's Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra with commentary. This work will be ready for distribution on the anniversary of the Sixth Patriarch's entry into nirvana in the same year.

The translation is being prepared by the members of the Sino-American Buddhist Association's Buddhist Text Translation Society in accord with the orthodox dharma as taught by the Buddha, and is an improvement over earlier translations in its completeness and accuracy. Moreover, this is the first time this Sutra will appear with a commentary to clarify the meaning. Study of this Sutra and commentary can bring one to a true understanding of the Buddhadharma.

Those who wish to subscribe for advance copies may do so beginning in July 1970 at the rate of $10 per book. After publication the books will be sold for $20 each. Write: Sutra Printing, S.A.B.A., 125 Waverly Place, San Francisco, California, 94108.

When Buddhas see this magazine, they say, "Ah, Thus Thus."

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a great number of professors have subscribed to Vajra Bodhi Sea.
Don't slight yourself; get a subscription now!


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