一進入萬佛城,就自然能深深地感受到它的靈氣與清淨,讓人內心覺得特別平靜。萬佛聖城自一九七六年 宣公上人創立以來,近三十年來無分年齡、文化、種族、國籍,提供全面性的佛學研究及修行道場,致力於佛教辦學、翻譯佛經,秉持著 上人所樹立嚴謹自律的精神,一步一腳印地在美國種下菩提種子,為佛教紮下根基。尤其在今天人心因為戰爭及疾病等,正感到惶惶不安時,萬佛聖城舉辦許多消災或佛經法會,發揮了淨化、安定人心的效用,功不可沒,令人敬佩。
今天個人和來到萬佛聖城參與盛會的每位信眾一樣,都懷著虔誠的心,恭敬的來到佛前,禮佛、上香、舀水浴佛。「一瓣一心香;一水一滌塵」,希望藉著莊嚴肅穆的浴佛儀式,同時也淨化自己的內心,將自身的俗世業障洗滌乾淨。更希望大家將 宣公上人所立的萬佛聖城六大宗旨「不爭、不貪、不求、不自私、不自利、不打妄語」牢記在心並謹守遵行。將這六大智慧帶入我們的生活、家庭及社會,讓我們的生活更歡喜、家庭更和樂、社會更祥和。
Dharma Master Heng Lyu, Dharma Master Heng Sure, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:
On behalf of the government of the Republic of China in Taiwan, I am honored to join all of you today in celebration of the Buddha’s Birthday.
Once I entered the City of the Ten Thousand Buddhas, I was suddenly touched by the serene atmosphere all around and felt very calm, with great peace of mind. Founded by the Venerable Master Hua in 1976, the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas has for the past 30 years been renowned and recognized for its selfless devotion and significant contribution to both the translation of Buddhist scriptures as well as to its well-established educational institutions.
Through many Dharma Services and Dispelling Disaster Ceremonies, the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas has brought comfort and tranquility to people--something which is so essential and precious in this day and age when people in the world are all anxious and disturbed by wars and disease.
Today, while we are respectfully holding this serene religious ceremony of bathing the Buddha, it is our sincere wish that our minds be purified and inspired as well. Let us always remember and firmly abide by the six principles set forth by the Venerable Master Hua: do not fight, do not be greedy, do not seek, do not be selfish, do not pursue personal advantage, and do not lie. With these six great principles, I believe we will all be able to make our lives happier, our families closer, and our society more peaceful.
Thank you very much.