演奏會後在五觀齋堂敬備茶點招待來賓,並展示龐大的妙覺寶殿的建造資料。詳情請洽法界聖城(916)374-8268 或金輪聖寺(323)258-6668
“It has been 10 years already, and finally my wish can be fulfilled,” said Upasika Gwhyneth Chen, the internationally renowned pianist. She recalled that in 1993, she and another laywoman went to pay their respects to the Venerable Master in Los Angeles. At that time she was about to go to Taiwan to give a piano concert to raise funds for a temple there. The Venerable Master told her that she could also give a concert to raise funds for the International Institute for Philosophy and Ethics in Ukiah. She happily agreed.
After years of tremendous ordeal, the institute has finally obtained permission from the local government to build. Miss Chen has waited for a decade, and now she can use her talent and passion for music for the sake of Buddhism, world peace, and for all the living beings in the Dharma Realm.
The fifth vow of Universal Worthy Bodhisattva is to compliantly rejoice in merit and virtue. To fulfill this vow, by unanimous vote at this year in February the DRBA Board gave the City of the Dharma Realm and Gold Wheel Monastery consent to work together and sponsor this eminent event. It is our hope that through this concert, the disciples of the Venerable Master from the world over will continue to perpetuate the compassionate mind and vast vows of the Venerable Master to lead all living towards Buddhahood. With our combined efforts, we can compose our own symphony to touch, not only human beings, but the spirits and heavenly beings as well—a symphony of life. We can establish a pure and adorned holy place that will have a significant impact on the future of the entire universe. With our deepest sincerity, we invite everyone to participate in this noble event.
Place: The Sagely City of the Dharma Realm
Date: Sunday, May 18, 2003
Time: 3:00 ~ 5:00 pm
Following the concert, there will be a reception in the Five Contemplations Dining Hall with an exhibition of the International Institute for Philosophy and Ethics project.
For more information, please contact The City of the Dharma Realm at (916) 374-8268 or Gold Wheel Monastery at (323) 258-6668
