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「在昔曾遠遊」的這個「遊」,不一定是遊賞或遊山玩水,古人說「遠遊」,常常就是「遠行」的意思。讀陶詩 的時候你要體會:他有簡單的一面,也有複雜的一面;有寫實的一面,也有象徵的一面。陶詩裏不止一次談到遠遊,他的《擬古詩》裏有一首說:「少時壯且厲,撫劍獨行遊。誰言行遊近?張掖至幽州。」其實,東晉的時候北方都被胡人占領了,陶淵明從來也沒有去過張掖和幽州,可是他卻說自己提著寶劍,到那些地方去周遊過。這裏邊就表現了一種精神境界的象徵,不過現在的「在昔曾遠遊,直至東海隅」,這一首卻不是象徵,而完全是寫實了。陶詩看起來簡單,其實是很複雜的。蘇軾說陶詩是「質而實綺,癯而實腴」(《與蘇轍書》)一看起來很樸素,實際上很華美;看起來得很簡單,實際上傳達的意思很豐富。為什麼如此?就因為陶淵明他本人有一種不與人爭勝的心理。

杜甫寫詩是希望人知道,他要把他的詩寫得美,寫得好,寫得「語不驚人死不休」:白居易寫詩追求讓不識字的老婦人也能聽得懂。這種用心當然也不錯,可陶淵明不是這樣的。陳後山說:   「陶淵明不為詩,寫其胸中之妙耳。」(《後山詩話》)陶淵明寫詩不是為了給 別人看的,他只是把內心的感受寫出來 ,既不怕寫得太深人家不懂,也不怕寫得太淺人家笑話,所以,有時候他說得很簡單,我們不知道他指的是哪一件事情。因此,對他「直至東海隅」的這一次遠遊,歷代注解陶詩的人就作了一些考證,提出來幾種可能。



Lecture Thirteen  
Today's lecture is on the tenth poem of the series. In this poem, Tao Yuanming recalled his early life. I shall read it over once.  

In the past, I went on a long journey
That took me right up to the eastern seaboard.
The path was long and winding,
And the trip was fraught with dangers.
Who instigated me to embark on this journey?
It seemed that I was driven by hunger.
Giving up everything for the sake of a meal,
A mere morsel was already more than enough.
Afraid that this was not a good idea,
I ended my trip and headed back to my cozy home.

The journey in the first line, "In the past, I went on a long journey," does not necessarily mean a sightseeing tour. The ancients simply used those words to refer to a long journey. When reading Tao's poems, you must be able to discern between the simple and complex aspects, as well as between the factual and the symbolic. Tao's poems mention his long journeys more than once. One of the poems in the series called "Poems in the Old Style" contains these lines: "When I was young, I was strong and brave. I carried my sword and traveled alone. Who says that I have only been to nearby places? I have traveled from Zhangyi to Youzhou." Actually, during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the northern parts of China were occupied by barbarians. Tao Yuan-ming had never been to Zhangyi and Youzhou, and yet he said that he carried his precious sword and traveled to those places. These lines symbolize a particular aspect of his spiritual state. However, this poem with the lines, "In the past, I went on a long journey that took me right up to the eastern seaboard," has no symbolic connotation but is completely based on fact. On the surface, Tao's poems may appear very simple but they are actually very complex. Su Shi once commented that Tao's poems were 'simple and yet beautiful, insignificant and yet profound' [A Letter to Su Shi]. On the first reading, they 'appear ordinary and simple, but in essence, they are very elegant and profound in meaning. Why is this so? It is because Tao Yuan-ming was not contentious by nature.  

Du Fu's aim in composing poetry was to seek fame and recognition. He wanted to produce beautiful and excellent poems, to the extent of "If I cannot compose excellent lines, I shall persevere until death." On the other hand, Bai Ju-yi composed poetry with the hope that even illiterate old ladies could understand him. Their intentions were not wrong per se but Tao Yuanming was different. Chen Hou-shan once remarked, "Tao Yuanming did not write for the sake of writing poetry; he simply expressed the wonders in his mind." [Hou-shan's Notes on Poets and Poetry] Tao did not compose poetry just so people could read them; he merely expressed his innermost feelings. He was not concerned if his works were so profound that people wouldn't understand them, or if they were so simple that others would ridicule him. Sometimes, he wrote in such a simple way that we do not know what he was actually referring to. With regard to his 'long journey that took him right up to the eastern seaboard,' historical critics who have researched Tao's poems have come up with several possibilities.  

During the final years of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was an uprising staged by Sun En in the coastal area of Gui Ji in Zhejiang Province. General Liu Lao-zhi led an army there to quell the rebellion. Some researchers were of the opinion that Tao Yuan-ming's 'long journey that took him right up to the eastern seaboard' was to join Liu Lao-zhi's army to fight against Sun En. According to Tao Yuan-ming's biography, he was once a defense strategist, which meant that he was a military advisor to the Defense Commissioner. However, Liu Lao-zhi was a former Defense General and was later conferred the title of General of the Northern Campaigns. He had never been a Defense Commissioner. As a result, other researchers thought that Tao Yuanming had possibly joined the office of the Commanding Officer, Huan Xuan. At that time, Huan Xuan and his troops were stationed at Jiangling in Hubei Province. He had once sought permission from the imperial court to lead an expedition against Sun En. It turned out that he later staged a coup d'etat and proclaimed himself as emperor. Shortly after, he was dethroned by Liu Yu.  

~ To be continued  


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