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Dharma Talk Dharma Rain

A Guanyin Dharma Assembly to Protect the Nation and
Quell Disasters in the Republic of China


Dharm Realm Buddhist Association was invited to visit Asia for the third time in 1988.This was the first large-scale Buddhist delegation from Europe and America. The thirty-some delegation members included eleven students and instructors of Dharma Realm Buddhist University and more than twenty laypeople. From October 29 to November 10, the Venerable Master led the delegation in hosting a Guanyin Dharma Assembly to Protect the Nation and Quell Disasters in Taoyuan, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Taipei. They recited the Great Compassion mantra nonstop from 5 am to 5 pm for thirteen consecutive days. In the evening there were lectures for the faithful assembly in Taiwan. Begining with this issue, VBS will print a series of instructional talk of the Venerable Master and delegation members.



記得一九七三年在空中忽然現出來一 個掃把星,大家大約記得很多的預言家、天文家都說這個掃把星來了。有的人說很吉祥,其實現掃把星是很不吉祥,很凶惡的一件事,所以三藩市有兩個出家人就發心朝拜,每行三步就頂禮一拜,這是法界佛教總會行第一次三步一拜苦行。他們從三藩市出發拜到西雅圖,就為祈求世界和平。經一年多的苦行到了西雅圖,我們在那兒一個大公園舉行了世界和平大會,很像現在我們在桃園這兒的這個隆重的法會 。有很多人來參加,就為了世界和平祈求觀世音菩薩現身。



第一句說「慈觀悲觀喜捨觀」,這是說觀音菩薩具足四無量心。這種「普度眾生化大千」,觀音菩薩用慈悲喜捨普度我們 ,不過我們也要盡我們的能力。這是說觀音菩薩會令大災難變小,小災難變無,不過大家要有信心;如果本來應該有大的災難,而觀音菩薩把它變成小了,可是你心裏不信那還是不認識觀世音,所以第一我們都要具足信心。

第三句就說「有緣無緣同攝受」:有緣 的眾生就是跟觀音菩薩已經結過緣。你自己想一想,我是一個有緣的,還是一個無緣的眾生?如果是有緣,那我要增加我的緣。怎麼樣增加?就是發願;發願生生世世都要有機會禮拜恭敬供養觀世音菩薩。 如果你說:「唉!我是無緣,因為我連佛教還沒有皈依。」你也有責任;如果你要變成一個有緣的眾生,你就要發願:願我今生趕快要皈依三寶,跟觀音菩薩開始有緣。

「離苦得樂返本原」:這最後一句是最重要的。雖然我們可以祈求觀音菩薩令我們離苦得樂,我們自己要去行,才可以有感應。「行」,我們知道多少要行多少;我們知道念佛就念佛,知道拜佛就拜佛,甚至於背會全部的《華嚴經》。總而言之 我們佛教徒要有信心,要發願而去行。

目前的世界問題很多,各處都有戰爭 ,或者是空氣染污、水染污,大地這個土也染污了。現在各國的社會一點比一點衰落,道德倫理不行於世界。我們各處看見電視所引起的一些個問題,還有男人女人不守規矩,種種的問題都出現。我們應該迴光返照問問自己,這些個問題的來源是在什麼地方?為什麼現在那麼多的戰爭?為什麼現在道德倫理那麼低落?現在為什麼各處都染污了?總而言之,可以說所有 的這些個問題都是在每一個人的心裏,由不乾淨的思想而發作的。我們應該把它弄乾淨了。








Dharma Master Heng Sure:
All Buddhist friends, we are now here at the Wonderful Dharma Monastery, Taoyuan, for a Guanyin Dharma Assembly to Protect the Nation and Quell Disasters. These disasters include inner disasters and outer disasters. How do we protect the nation? How do we quell disasters? We rely on the great awesome spiritual power of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. One of the lines in the "Universal Door Chapter" that we have just recited says, "Replete with the powers of spiritual penetration, he cultivates every possible expedient. He appears in each and every land throughout the ten directions." Guanshiyin Bodhisattva knows that sentient beings encounter disasters and accidents, and that nations require protection; therefore he manifests various bodies. What kind of a body? This depends on the situation and the conditions. As it is said, "The Dharma doesn't emerge on its own; it only occurs because of the circumstance." He knows which body to use depending on the situation.  

How is he replete with the powers of spiritual penetration? Guanshiyin Bodhisattva already became a Buddha in the past. He knows that it's difficult for sentient beings to be close to the physical presence of a Buddha because the Buddha's retribution body is complete with the thirty-two hallmarks and eighty subsidiary characteristics. His virtue is so awesome and bright that sentient beings find it difficult to approach him. Hence, he physically appears as a Bodhisattva- Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. Guanshiyin Bodhisattva is a great sage with a Dharma body, that is why he has thirty-two completely distinct response bodies. Depending on the circumstance, he might use any one of the response bodies. For instance, we know that the Holy Mother Mary, in whom the Catholics and Christians have tremendous faith, is a manifestation of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. She came to teach and transform sentient beings. Guanshiyin Bodhisatttva has a number of bodies that he can manifest. He may be big or small depending on the situation.  

I remember that the comet Kohutec had appeared in space in 1973. Many of you might remember that many diviners and astronomers had prophesized the coming of this comet. Some declared that the coming of the comet was auspicious. Actually, comets are inauspicious and cataclysmic. Consequently, two monks from the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association (then known as the Sino-American Buddhist Association) made the resolve to do the first bowing pilgrimage from San Francisco to Seattle. They bowed once every three steps to pray for world peace. They arrived at Seattle after more than a year's worth of hardship. We had a World Peace Gathering at a large park there, quite similar to this impressive and dignified Dharma Assembly at Taoyuan now. For the sake of world peace, many people joined together to pray for an appearance by Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. Just as the comet was shooting toward and getting close to earth, it suddenly reversed its course as if it was shy. No one is able to explain the reason for this.

Many people were surprised, "The comet turned back! It's no longer on its way. It disappeared!" The astronomers were dumbfounded too. After a while, the Venerable Master explained, "You don't realize this, but Guanshiyin Bodhisattva appeared in a body as large as space, and with one hand, he knocked the comet away as if it were a ping-pong ball. That's why the comet went away." Since many people were sincere at that time, the Way and response intertwined to protect the country and quell disasters. I believe that if everyone is courageous and vigorous during this Guanyin Great Compassion Dharma Assembly to Protect the Nation and Quell Disasters here in Taiwan, there will be similar miracles.  

Dharma Master Heng Chih:
He contemplates kindly, compassionately, and with joy and giving.
He universally saves all beings and transforms the great universe.
He gathers in and accepts those with whom he has affinities or no affinities.
So that everyone forsakes suffering, attains bliss, and returns to the source.  

This verse explains the line "Namo he la dan na duo la ye ye" from the Great Compassion Mantra, which we have recited 216 times today.

The first line says: He contemplates kindly, compassionately, and with joy and giving. Guanyin Bodhisattva is replete with these four qualities of the mind. He universally saves all beings and transforms the great universe. Guanyin Bodhisattva saves absolutely every one of us by using kindness, compassion, joy, and giving. Despite that, we must try our best. This means that Guanyin Bodhisattva will turn major disasters into minor disasters and minor disasters will disappear. Everyone must have faith though. If Guanyin Bodhisattva were to have changed a major calamity into a minor one for us, and yet we do not believe it, then we still don't know Guanshiyin. Therefore, faith is first and foremost.

The third line: He gathers in and accepts those with whom he has affinities or no affinities. Those who have affinities with Guanyin Bodhisattva have had ties with him from the past. Think about it for yourself, "Am I someone with whom he has affinities or not?" If I have affinities with the Bodhisattva, then I must add to my vows. How do I add to them? I simply make vows. I must make the vow to bow, pay respects, and make offerings to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva in life after life. If you sigh, "I really have no affinities. I haven't even taken refuge with Buddhism.” In that case, you are still responsible. If you want to be someone with whom the Bodhisattva has affinities, you must make the vow: I vow to take refuge with the Triple Jewel soon and in this lifetime, and start creating affinities with Guanyin Bodhisattva.

So that everyone forsakes suffering, attains bliss, and returns to the source. This last line is the most important. Although we know that we will leave suffering and attain bliss by praying to Guanyin Bodhisattva, we must act to receive any answer to our prayers. Practice means that we do however much we know. If we know how to recite the Buddha's name, then we recite the Buddha's name. If we know how to bow to the Buddhas, then we bow to the Buddhas. If we are capable of memorizing the entire Avatamsaka Sutra, then we should memorize the entire Avatamsaka Sutra. In short, Buddhists must have faith, make vows, and practice according to their vows.

Dharma Master Heng Shun:
Today in the world, there are many, many problems. In every part of the earth, there are wars. Our earth is polluted; our water is polluted; and our atmosphere is polluted. Many societies throughout the world now are succumbing to a moral degeneration because of the advent of television, promiscuous sex and these kinds of problems. All of us should ask, what is the ultimate cause of the problems of the world? Why are there wars? Why is there moral degeneration? Why is there pollution?  

Ultimately, we could say that the origin of all these problems begins with the impurities of our minds.

How can we make our minds pure? We can cultivate Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's practice of great compassion. We can recite the Great Compassion Mantra and Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's name. We can, on the one hand, purify our minds; and on the other, also invoke a response from the great compassionate Bodhisattva who has great powers to help the world.

I am very happy to be a part of this delegation to participate in this ceremony, propagating Guanyin Bodhisattva's name and reciting the Great Compassion Mantra. If we really work hard together to purify our own minds, we can truly contribute to making this world a better place and to make this world free from all these problems.  

 ~ To be continued


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea