At that time the price was very high. Now
they've decreased it, and we'll probably be able to buy it.
So we have to succeed. If we don't, then we won't have
enough space. I hope everyone will be especially sincere
when reciting the Great Compassion Mantra tonight. Also I'm
going to set up a board for this place. Those of you who
have taken refuge are members by default, and anyone else
who wants to be on the board is welcome.
When it comes to Way-places, the bigger
the better; they should be able to hold several hundred
thousand people, like a great military camp. A military camp
can house several hundred thousand people, and our great
Way-place will also be able to hold several hundred
thousand, several million, and even several tens of millions
of people. You should all make vows to establish Way-places.
Don't be afraid of too many Way-places. The more Way-places
there are the better. If every home became a Way-place, that
would be even better. If every single person became a
Way-place unto himself, that would be the best. If every
country became a Way-place, that would be very good, until
the entire world itself was a gigantic Way-place and no one
killed, stole, committed sexual misconduct, lied, or took
intoxicants. Sellers of alcoholic beverages would starve!
Further, he does not practice
Higher, middle, or lower dharmas;
Nor conditioned or unconditioned dharmas,
Real or unreal dharmas.
He does not distinguish
Between men or women;
He does not obtain any dharma
Nor does he know or perceive any.
This is called the Bodhisattva's range of practice.
All the dharmas
Are empty, nonexistent,
Without permanence,
Neither arising nor extinguished;
This is the place of approach
Of the wise.
It is through inverted discrimination
That dharmas seem to exist or not exist,
Real or unreal,
Created or uncreated.
If, in a quiet place,
He cultivates and collects his thoughts
Peacefully dwelling, unmoved
Like Mount Sumeru,
Contemplating all dharmas
As having no existence
Like empty space
With nothing firm or solid,
Uncreated, not coming forth,
Unmoving, not receding,
Dwelling always in one mark,
This is called the range of association.
Further, he does not practice / higher, middle, or
lower dharmas. The Bodhisattva who cultivates the
Bodhisattva Way must not practice the higher Dharma, the
Bodhisattva Vehicle, nor the middle Dharma, the Vehicle of
those Enlightened by Conditions, nor the lesser Dharma of
the Hearers. Nor conditioned or unconditioned
dharmas, / Real or unreal dharmas. He cultivates
none of these. He does not distinguish / Between men
or women. "Men" may be said to refer to wisdom and
"women" to samadhi. Wisdom and samadhi are basically the
same thing; one cannot make artificial distinctions between
them. He does not obtain any dharma. As the
Heart Sutra says, "There is no wisdom and no attainment."
Nor does he know or perceive any. In his
mind there is no knowledge of all dharmas; his eyes perceive
no dharmas. His mind is reined in to a single place and
this is called the Bodhisattva's range of practice.
All the dharmas / Are empty,
nonexistent. .. Originally there is nothing at
all... without permanence... He
contemplates the marks of all dharmas as devoid of
permanence. Seen as impermanent, there is no attachment.
Without attachment, one obtains liberation. Neither
arising nor extinguished; / This is the place of approach /
Of the wise. This is the place to which a wise
Bodhisattva should draw near.
~ To be continued