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華枝春滿,天心月圓 悼念比丘尼近滿師
“The branches are burgeoning with spring blossoms;
the moon in the sky waxes full." -

In Memory of Bhikshuni Jin Man Shr


馬來西亞籍的近滿師,俗名王蓮枝,最初接觸法界佛教總會是於九三年,到金輪聖寺參加法會。九六年一月來到萬佛聖城成為常住。先後到過金聖寺、福祿壽聖寺服務。因緣成熟於九八年十一月剃度出家,親華師當日隨即前往法界聖城常住,接受訓練,學習律儀。作沙彌尼期間又先後被 調派到金聖寺、金峰寺和馬來西亞紫 雲洞、蓮華精舍幫忙各種工作。她為人守禮,見人總是笑容可掬,所以很得人緣。

零一年四月由馬返美,前往法界聖城服務,今年一月初又調回金聖寺 ,五月入戒壇準備參加三壇大戒。因病送醫急診,經診斷手術後,發現已是胃癌末期,她咬緊牙關堅持抱病受戒,全體戒子發心於戒期間每日晚間下殿後,同誦『地藏菩薩本願經』一部迴向。戒師們更慈悲援法傳以戒體 ,圓滿她的心願成為比丘尼,法號近滿。

住院期間,曾有法師問及她家族病史,近滿師表示:母親及姊姊皆42歲死於癌症。法師接著關切的詢問她年齡,近滿師答:42。法師問:害怕嗎?近滿師堅毅的希望能以有生之年服務於佛教,其他則懇請佛菩薩加被 。近滿師於手術後,醫生開止痛、止 吐藥,以減輕她負擔。雖然每天進食後,胃會絞痛及嘔吐,但她都堅持不 服用止痛藥,雖然醫生建議她長期服用,以減輕疼痛,可是近滿師總是納受痛苦,只有一次,痛得實在無法忍受時,才僅僅用了那麼一次。  

近滿師對於身邊大小事務,只要是自己可以做的,如剃頭、洗衣、洗澡、飲食...等等,都不麻煩別人。又如醫院每週安排社工護士來看護,問她有何需要?她總是回答沒有任何需 要。儘管身罹重病,她總是打起精神,早晚課、誦經、咒心絕不缺席,甚至有時還打法器呢!約在往生前三星期左右,有天從早課到咒心每堂功課都參加,同修怕她累,問她要不要休息?她說:覺得精神很好。近滿師所流露的這種堅強的意志力、不給人麻煩和修行精進的精神使同修們都印象深刻,難以忘懷。往生前一星期左右,近滿師病情 惡化,便不想再繼續念佛,甚至感覺念佛機很吵,把它關了。當時旁邊有法師即時鼓勵她,要提起念佛的心,「口雖無力氣念,但可以用心念。」 自此便又開始提起念佛,不再間斷。她覺得坐著舒服,於是以坐姿,同時守按念佛計數器念佛,直到臨終。  

臨終者念佛的心要非常堅固,善友的助緣也是非常重要的。近滿師臨終時,能有善友在側,即時提醒鼓勵,又有助念,這是幫助往生最大的助緣。近滿師的這齣戲,在十一月廿三日圓滿落幕了。荼毘後獲得舍利花、舍利子。如弘一大師示寂時留下的名句「問余何適,廓爾亡言;華枝春滿 ,天心月圓。」祈願近滿師得生極樂國,蓮華開後悟無生,再迴入娑婆,廣度眾生。


Born in Malaysia, Jin Man Shr, whose lay name was Wang Lian Zhi, first found out about Dharma Realm Buddhist Association in 1993, when she participated in a Dharma Assembly at the Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery. In January 1996, she moved to the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and subsequently served at Gold Sagely Monastery and Blessings, Prosperity and Longevity Monastery. In November 1998 when her causes and conditions ripened, she entered the monsatic life and moved to the Sagely City of the Dharma Realm, where she trained and studied the precepts and rules of deportment. As a novice nun, she was assigned in succession to the Gold Sage Monastery, Gold Summit Monastery, and the Purple Cloud Monastery and Lotus Abode in Malaysia to help with various duties. She was courteous and had a ready smile for all who met her, so she created many affinities with people.

In April 2001, she returned to the United States from Malaysia, and served at the Sagely City of the Dharma Realm. In January this year, she was transferred to Gold Sage Monastery to prepare for the Threefold Ordination in May. However she fell ill and was rushed to the hospital. After medical tests, she was diagnosed with final stage stomach cancer. She staunchly bore the pain of the illness in order to receive the precepts. During the ordination period, the entire group of preceptees resolved to recite the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodbisattva once every night after the precept ceremonies and transfer the merit to her. The precept masters even more compassionately aided her with Dharma, by transmitting the precept-substance, thereby fulfilling her wish to become a Bhikshuni. She was given the Dharma name Jin Man.

During her hospitalization, a Dharma Master once enquired into her family medical history, to which Jin Man Shr replied that her mother and older sister had both died of cancer at the age of 42. Deeply concemed, the Dharma Master went on to ask how old she was. "I'm 42" was the reply. When asked if she was afraid, Jin Man Shr maintained that her firm desire was to serve Buddhism in her remaining years and leave all other matters to the Buddhas and the Bodhisattvas. After the operation, the doctor prescribed painkillers and medicine to suppress vomiting in order to alleviate her pain. Although she suffered abdominal angina and vomiting after mealtime every day, she refused to use painkillers and endured the pain. The doctor had recommended that she take them on a longterm basis to relieve the pain, and only once when the pain became unbearable did she take them.

In all personal chores big or small, Jin Man Shr did all that was within her ability to do, such as shaving her head, washing clothes, bathing, feeding herself, and so on, and never bothered others. When the volunteer nurses from the hospital came by each week to check on her, asking her if she needed anything, she would always reply in the negative. Although her body was stricken with a grave illness, she would always rouse her spirits to do morning and evening recitation, sutra recitation and Shurangama Mantra Heart recitation without once missing a session, and she even played the Dharma instruments occasionally! About three weeks before she passed away, she participated in every ceremony from morning recitation to recitation of the Shurangama Mantra Heart at night, prompting concerned fellow cultivators to enquire whether she needed a rest. "I feel fine," was her reply. Her firm determination and selflessness in not bothering others as well as her diligent cultivation left an indelible impression on her fellow cultivators.

About a week before she passed away, Jin Man Shr's medical condition worsened, and she did not want to continue reciting the Buddha's name, turning off the Buddha recitation player because it was too noisy. A Dharma Master who was by her side encouraged her to recite the Buddha's name, saying, "Even if you have no strength to recite aloud, you can still recite in your mind." Jin Man Shr then began reciting the Buddha's name ceaselessly. She felt comfortable in a sitting position, and sitting in that way, holding a counter to keep track of the recitations, she passed away.

The mind of a dying person must be especially resolved on reciting the Buddha's name, and the aid of good friends at this time is very important. When Jin Man Shr passed away, there were good friends around who reminded and encouraged her, and recited with her so she could be single-minded; this is the most important aiding condition for one who is headed for rebirth. On the 23rd of November, Jin Man Shr passed away. After the cremation, sharira (relics) were found. Indeed, it is like the verse that Great Master Hongyi left behind when he entered stillness, "If you ask me where I am going, empty yourself and put an end to words; the branches are burgeoning with spring blossoms, and the moon in the sky waxes full." May Jin Man Shr be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, be enlightened to nonbirth when her lotus opens, and return to this Saha world to liberate numerous living beings.  


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea