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Reading the Venerable Master's Talks Until Dawn:
An Introduction of Hu Guo-qi

啟明文BY MORNING STAR 喜雅英譯Endlish Translation By XI-YA


1989年由美返臺時,妹妹教她念大 悲咒,一學就會了,並自己開始念咒本後的《心經》、十小咒,從此接觸了佛教,但並末深信;或許是宿世善根,雖 未深信,但心裏總想請法師來家裏講法 ,然而法師告之以:「最好成立學佛會,由學佛會出面請法,較為正式」。因此積極籌畫,終於在90年12月16日成立了路州佛教會,會址設在鈕奧良市自 家車房,並且就近請法師講法。

許是因緣已成熟, 91年夏她收到一包書,內有上人開示錄,好奇之餘便隨手拿起來閱讀;平時晚上一看書就睡的她,那晚竟然一看看到天亮,心中的感動久久不能自己,於是決定到聖城看看。91年她到聖城打佛七,並皈依上人,回去後開始流通上人的書籍及錄音帶; 92年又來聖城打佛七,在聆聽上人開示 後,深感人身難得善知識難求,發願終生隨上人學佛; 94年長堤聖寺舉行剃度儀式,得以觀禮,感動之餘,心生嚮往 :希望有朝一日自己也能成為全職的修行人。


同年 11月邀請法總比丘恒來師、恒律師來此訪問;2000年感恩節,再度邀請比丘尼恒良師、恒貞師、恒優師蒞臨說法,並帶《大悲懺》;01年感恩節又邀請比丘尼恒貞師、恒奘師、恒丙師說法。帶《大悲懺》,信眾風聞而至,法筵殊勝。







Hu Xiang-qi was born in Taiwan. Her ancestors were natives of Shandong. Her parents were not religious. She and her siblings were all Christians. Before she was ten, every time she went by a monastery she enjoyed sniffing the smell of incense.  

When she went back to Taiwan from the United States in 1989, her younger sister taught her the Great Compassion Mantra, which she was able to recite immediately. She also began to recite the Heart Sutra and the ten small mantras. That was her initial encounter with Buddhism. Although she didn't really believe in it, she had wanted to ask some Dharma Masters to come to her house to speak the Dharma. The Dharma Masters told her, "It would be better to set up a Buddhist association and request Dharma as a part of this group." Consequently she established the Louisiana Buddhist Association in the garage of her house in New Orleans. She then invited nearby Dharma Masters to give Dharma talks.

In the summer of 1991, she received a packet of books of the Venerable Master's Dharma talks. She offhandedly began reading them before going to sleep. Typically, she would fall asleep as soon as she began to read at night. However, that night, she read until sunrise. She was curious and decided to pay the City a visit. She came and participated for one week in a Buddha recitation session in 1991 and took refuge with the Venerable Master. From then on, she began to circulate the Venerable Master's books and tapes. She came to the Buddha recitation session again in 1992 and got to hear the Venerable Master speak in person, after which she made a vow to follow him in studying Buddhism for the rest of her life. She observed the Leaving Home ceremony held at Long Beach Monastery in 1994. She had longings but didn't dare to think any more, fearing that they would erupt and become uncontrollable.  

On October 28,1999, she acquired a church building. The Buddhist Association finally had an official place! The association members re-furbished the place and personally made the simple yet elegant furniture and cushions. In November, they invited Bhikshus Heng Lai and Heng Lyu to visit. For Thanksgiving of 2000, they invited Bhikshunis Heng Liang, Heng Jen, and Heng Yiu to speak the Dharma and lead the Great Compassion Repentance. For Thanksgiving of 2001, they again invited Bhikshunis Heng Jen, Heng Jhuang, and Heng Bing to speak the Dharma and lead the Great Compassion Repentance. Many people attended those supreme feasts of Dharma.  

The Louisiana Buddhist Association was successfully established, and its members decided to invite Dharma Realm Buddhist Association to manage it. Guo-qi also decided to retire after her job was done. She moved to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and stepped into Jyun Kang Vegetarian Cafe, where she now does whatever needs to be done, including chopping and washing vegetables, preparing ingredients for the cook, and so on. She considers it an opportunity to train herself and change her temperament. She knows that temper can block the spiritual path. Without taming one's temper and soften¨ing one's character, one cannot advance in one's spiritual practice.    


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea