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The Shurangama Sutra With Commentary

【 卷九 】 Roll Nine

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version



你們聽到經典這個道理,切記不要亂打妄想,不要說自己又要死了,或者又沒有什麼了;你常常這樣想,就會招這種魔的。這 個世界這種魔很多很多的,所以不要打妄想 ,不要隨便亂講話;你一打這個妄想,就有這種魔來侵犯你。魔到你身上,你就受不了了!你那時候就不自由了,想不死都不可以的。

「若作聖解,則有一分常憂愁魔」:憂愁也有魔的,為什麼你憂愁?你若開佛眼了,你看這個人沒發脾氣的時候,沒有鬼;一發脾氣,這鬼就來幫著他發脾氣了,說:「發大一點,發大一點!Make more trouble!〈多惹點麻煩!〉就從後邊來幫助你發脾氣。你不相信?我講的是真話;你要是不信,就 慢慢試試看!「入其心腑」:到他身上了。

「手執刀劍,自割其肉」:我不是講過那個王孝子嗎?就是我以前講的常仁大師。王孝子在墳上守孝,有一次他在定中看見他 一個外甥,被土匪捉去了;捉去,這個土匪就要槍斃他外甥。他相離十五里路,那個土匪一開槍打的時候,他在定中這麼用手往外一搪,這個槍就沒有打上他的外甥,他外甥就跑了!可是在默默中,也是有一個要命鬼。  


到了墳上,很奇怪的,這個鬼拿著刀這麼比著,要砍王二爺的頭,但是拿刀的手落不下來。王孝子這個時候就一味念《金剛經》,他那時候也不講話了。正在這個時候呢 ,就是誰呢?就是我的師父〈常智大師〉, 那時候他還沒出家呢,他心裏就著急忙慌得不得了,覺得像不知有什麼事,心裏不安寧了。「啊!是不是孝子墳上有事情了? 」於是乎他就跑到墳上去,一看,果然王二爺拿著刀自己要殺頭。王孝子就寫幾個字說,你去買一點燒紙〈中國人給死人燒的紙〉, 我給他念經超度,這裏頭有一個鬼,想怎麼樣怎麼樣......。」 那麼王孝子就念經超度他 ,以後才沒有事。




This is called "cultivating, but losing expedients." If he understands, then there is no error. This experience does not indicate sagehood. But if he considers himself a sage, then a demon of chronic depression will enter his mind. He may take up knives and swords and cut his own flesh, happily giving up his life. Or else, driven by constant anxiety, he may flee into the wilderness and be unwilling to see people. Lacking proper samadhi, he will certainly fall.

This is called "cultivating, but losing expedients." Since the person does not understand the Dharma-doors of expedient means, he develops this attachment. After developing it, if he understands, then there is no error, no problem. This experience does not indicate sagehood. This does not mean he has become a sage. Having heard these principles in the Sutra, you should be extremely careful not to casually indulge in random thoughts. Do not start thinking that you want to die, or that you cannot get what you want. If you keep thinking like that, you will attract this kind of demon. There are a great many of them in the world, so you should not indulge in random thoughts or speak carelessly. If you do, this demon may possess you. When that happens, you will not be able to endure it. You will not be free, and even if you do not want to die, there will be no way to avoid it.

But if he considers himself a sage, then there will be a demon of chronic depression. So you think you're depressed? Depression also involves demons. Why are you depressed or angry? If you have opened the Buddha Eye, you see that when a person is not angry, there is no ghost, but as soon as he gets angry, a ghost comes to goad him on, saying, "Get angrier, get madder! Make more trouble!" Behind the scenes,  it urges you to lose your temper. Even if you don't believe me, what I am saying is true. If you do not believe it, just take your time and try it out.

The demon will enter his mind and possess his body. He may take up knives and swords and cut his own flesh. Did I not tell you about Filial Son Wang (Great Master Chang Ren), who practiced filiality beside his parents' graves? Once, while in samadhi, Filial Son Wang saw that bandits had captured his nephew and were about to shoot him. Filial Son Wang was about five miles away. But just as the bandit was about to pull the trigger, from within samadhi he used his hand to ward off the gun so that the shot missed his nephew, who was able to escape. Behind this incident there was a ghost that wanted the nephew's life, and it had caused the bandits to tie the boy up and try to kill him. Those were the causes and effects involved. When Filial Son Wang thwarted the ghost in its efforts to kill his nephew, the ghost went after Filial Son Wang, but could not do anything to him. Then it went to find his younger brother, Wang Erye, and possessed him instead. Taking a knife, the brother went to find Filial son Wang at the graveside, intending to commit suicide in front of him.

The ghost wanted to kill the younger brother, but strangely, as it held the knife poised, ready to behead the younger brother, it could not bring the hand down. Meanwhile, Filial Son Wang was reciting the Vajra Sutra and holding a vow of silence. As he recited it silently, my teacher (Great Master Chang Zhi), who had not yet left the home-life, felt very agitated, as if there were some crisis. He felt trepidation and could not put his mind at ease. He wondered, "Is there something going on with the Filial Son by the grave?" He rushed over there immediately to take a look, and sure enough, Wang Erye was holding a knife about to behead himself. Filial Son Wang wrote a few words telling my teacher, "Buy some paper for burning. (There is a Chinese custom of burning paper for the dead.) I will recite Sutras for the ghost and liberate it. There is a ghost involved here, and it wants to do such-and-such." After Filial Son Wang recited Sutras and liberated the ghost, there were no more problems.

On the one hand this is an example of the demon under discussion. But in this case the ghost came because it wanted someone's life, not because of cultivation. But you could also say it is from cultivation. Because Filial Son Wang cultivated and got too involved in someone else's business, he ended up with this kind of demon trying to kill his younger brother. The ghost couldn't kill Filial Son Wang because he had samadhi power and did not have any false-thinking. The ghost couldn't do anything to him, so it went after his younger brother.  

 ~ To be continued  

上人答問錄Q&A with the Venerable Master
Q: What will we become if we lose our human form?
A: Do you need to ask? You become ghosts. That's why there are more ghosts than people. The computer cannot figure out the number of ghosts that exist. That is, unless we use the computer in the heavens, the brain for heavenly beings.


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