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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【卷五 世主妙嚴品第一之五】

Chapter One: The Wondrous Adornments of World Rulers, Part Five

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised Version

「無邊福聚,極善清淨。虛空法界」無邊的福德來莊嚴最好的這個清淨虛空法界。「靡不觀察」:他們都普遍地觀察這 一切的虛空法界。「十方世界一切國土」 :在十方一切世界所有的諸佛國土。「所有佛興,咸勤供養」:所有佛出現於世,佛出世的時候,他們都是一樣去普遍供養這十方所有的一切諾佛。




「處於眾會普嚴潔」:所以說普遍都莊嚴清淨。「如來功德不可量」:如來這功德是沒有人可以知道有多少的,所以說如來功德不可量,沒有數量。「十方法界悉充滿」:所有十方盡虛空遍法界,都是如來的功德所在處,都充滿了。「普坐一切樹王下」:在盡虛空遍法界每一個國土,都有佛在那兒坐道場,在菩提樹下開悟 成佛。「諸大自在共雲集」:大自在就是一些個大菩薩,因為大菩薩才能得到自在 ,不是大菩薩他就不能得到大自在;大自在就是一切的煩惱都沒有了。共雲集,也就是共圍繞,就好像雲都集聚到這個地方一樣。

「佛有如是神通力」:佛有這樣的神通力。什麼樣呢? 「一念現於無盡相」: 在這一念中能現出來,沒有窮盡那麼多的相、那麼多的境界。過去的也在這一念中現出、現在也在這一念中現出;未來的,還在這一念中現出。這一念能現無量劫,無量劫能納為一念,把這無量劫收回來做為一念,那麼一念把它伸展開,又能變為無量劫,這都是諸佛神通的力所變化的。




「種種方便化眾生」:他不但自己修行,而且他又用種種的善巧方便來教化一切眾生。他以他自己所明白的道理,去教化一切眾生,令一切眾生也明白這個道理 ,也得到佛教的好處,所以說「令彼受行諸佛法」。令就是使令;彼就是一切眾生:令所有的一切眾生,都能接受他所說的這個佛法。不但能接受,而且又能依法來修行這一切的佛法;就是所有十方三世一切諸佛的佛法,他教一切眾生去修行這個諸佛的法門。



「一切眾會皆清淨」:在佛一切的法會,不是一個國土裡頭的這個眾會,所有 十方國土一切佛聚會的地方,皆清淨,都是清淨的,都是一心聽佛說法的,清淨其心。「寂然而住同瞻仰」:寂然,就是一點聲音也沒有,寂淨無嘩而住,在這兒住在這個法會的這個地方,大家一同來瞻仰於佛,那麼目不暫捨,這個眼睛一秒鐘他也不離開。因為佛難遭難遇,那麼現在遇著了,所以他們都很誠心地來瞻仰於佛。



「無量華纓共垂布」:那麼又有很多種的華,很多種的纓絡,那麼共垂布,也都莊嚴這種雲。「如是座上如來坐」:像這樣的莊嚴雲,又有這個摩尼寶座,在這個座上,這個如來--佛,在那兒坐著說法。「種種嚴飾吉祥門」:又有種種莊嚴這個很吉祥的門。「恆放燈光寶燄雲」: 常常地放這好像一種燈光,又現出一種寶燄雲的樣子。


「恆出妙音聞者悅」:在這個莊嚴的戶牖上,常常發出一種微妙不可思議的這種法音。這種法音發出來,無論哪一個眾生聞到這種音聲的時候,都生一種歡喜心 「佛坐其上特明顯」:這個佛在這個法 座上坐著,特別的光明顯要。「寶輪承坐半月形」:那麼佛坐的獅子座有一個寶輪 ,這個寶輪在這個獅子座的下邊,好像一個半邊的月那個樣子。「金剛為臺色燄明」:佛說法的這個臺,是金剛所造成的;色燄明,顏色如燄非常地明亮。


Having accumulated boundless blessings to adorn themselves, they were wholesome and pure to the utmost. Throughout empty space and the Dharma realm, nothing escaped their contemplation. They observed everywhere throughout empty space and the Dharma realm. Whenever a Buddha appeared in any land in the worlds of the ten directions, they would all diligently make offerings. They would go and make offerings to every Buddha that appeared in the worlds of the ten directions.

At that time, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva named King of Oceanic Wisdom and Sovereign Spiritual Powers received the Buddha's awesome spiritual might, contemplated the sea of all the multitudes assembled in the Way-place, and spoke the following verses to explain the principles mentioned earlier.  

He already knows that to which all Buddhas awaken.
Unimpeded like space, he clearly illumines everything.
His brilliance pervades countless lands in the ten directions.
He adorns and purifies all assemblies by his very presence.
The Thus Come One's merit cannot be measured.
It completely fills the Dharma realms of the ten directions.
He sits beneath the King of Trees in every place,
And those of great sovereignty gather like clouds.
The Buddha has such powers of spiritual penetrations
That he can manifest infinite forms in a single thought.
The realm of the Thus Come One has no bounds.
Each is able to perceive it according to his liberation.

He already knows that to which all Buddhas awaken. The Buddha has already enlightened to that which all Buddhas are enlightened. He already knows all dharmas. Unimpeded like space, he clearly illumines everything. The Buddha has attained wisdom resembling space and a Dharma body that is also unimpeded like space. Since nothing obstructs him, he universally illumines everything throughout empty space and the Dharma realm. His brilliance pervades countless lands in the ten directions. The light of Buddha shines upon infinite lands throughout the worlds of the ten directions. He adorns and purifies all assemblies by his very presence. All Bodhimandas and Dharma assemblies become adorned and pure.

The Thus Come One's merit cannot be measured. No one can figure out how much merit the Buddha has. It completely fills the Dharma realms of the ten directions. The Thus Come One's merit is present in every location throughout space and the Dharma realm. He sits beneath the King of Trees in every place. In every land throughout space and the Dharma Realm, a Buddha sits in his Way-place under the Bodhi tree, gains enlightenment, and attains Buddhahood. And those of great sovereignty gather like clouds. Those of great sovereignty refers to all the great Bodhisattvas. Only great Bodhisattvas can attain great sovereignty. Other beings cannot. Great sovereignty refers to the absence of all afflictions. All the great Bodhisattvas convene around the Buddha like clouds gathering.  

The Buddha has such powers of spiritual penetrations / That he can manifest infinite forms in a single thought. In a single thought, the Buddha can display endlessly many images and states of the past, present, and future.

Limitless eons can appear in a single thought.
A single thought can encompass limitless eons.

Limitless eons can shrink to become a single thought; a single thought can extend to become limitless eons. Such transformations are brought about by the Buddhas' spiritual powers. The realm of the Thus Come One has no bounds. If you wish to understand the realm of the Thus Come One, contemplate the boundlessness of empty space. Each is able to perceive it according to his liberation. The Buddha uses different methods to liberate each living being according to his or her own potential. All these living beings are able to see the Buddha's inconceivable spiritual powers and wonderful functionings.  

The Thus Come One, through an ocean of eons in the past, Cultivated with diligence in all realms of existence . Transforming living beings by means of various expedients, He enabled them to accept and practice all

The Thus Come One, through an ocean of limitlessly many great eons in the past, / Cultivated with diligence in all realms of existence. Before he became a Buddha, the Buddha lived in the twenty-five planes of existence within the Triple Realm, just like us. Within these twenty- five planes, he underwent repeated births and deaths. However, at the same time, he cultivated with diligence. He was not the least bit lazy. In every moment, he practiced vigorously and never slacked off. Not only did he cultivate himself, he devoted himself to transforming living beings by means of various expedients. He first understood the principles himself, and then he taught those principles to other living beings so that they also understood them and derived benefit from Buddhism. He enabled them to accept and practice all Buddhadharmas. He helped living beings to take the Buddhadharma that he taught them to heart and to put it into actual practice. "All Buddhadharmas" refers to the Dharma of all Buddhas of the ten directions and the three periods of time. He taught all living beings to practice the Dharma doors of all Buddhas.  

Vairochana, replete with the marks of adornment,
Is seated on his lotus treasury lion throne.
All the assembled multitudes are pure.
In tranquil serenity they gaze up at him together.

Vairochana, the Buddha of the Pure Dharma Body, is replete with the marks of adornment. His body is adorned with the thirty- two hallmarks and the eighty subtle characteristics. He is seated on his lotus treasury lion throne. His throne is made of huge, precious lotus flowers. The Buddha sits upon his lion's throne to speak the Dharma and teach and transform living beings. Even the most incorrigible living beings become tame and well-behaved. All the assembled multitudes are pure. All the Buddha's Dharma assemblies throughout the lands of the ten directions are simultaneously pure.

In tranquil serenity, without making a sound, they gaze up at him together. Everyone in the Dharma assembly gazes at the Buddha with an unwavering gaze. They can't bear to take their eyes from him for even a second. The Buddha is incredibly difficult to encounter, so upon encountering him, they very earnestly gaze at him.

The mani jewel treasury sends forth light,
Everywhere releasing boundless fragrant flaming clouds.
Countless strands of flowers trail down.
On such a throne the Thus Come One is seated.

All kinds of adornments at the door of auspiciousness
Constantly emit lamplight like jeweled flaming clouds.
Nothing escapes the illumination of this vast blaze.
Muni's adorned hallmarks are enhanced as he sits there.

All kinds of mani embellish the beautiful windows,
Wonderful precious lotuses ornamentally trail down.
Lovely sounds are emitted, delighting all who hear.
Seated there, the Buddha assumes special eminence.

The throne is supported by half-moon-shaped precious wheels.
The dais is made of tujra and is the color of flames.
Bodhisattvas with topknots constantly gather round.
The Buddha is the most illustrious among them.  

Various transformations fill the ten directions,
Proclaiming the Thus Come One's vast vows.
All reflections manifest within this state.
The Buddha sits serenely upon such a throne.

The mani jewel treasury sends forth light. The multitude of mani gems emits bright light. That light shines forth, everywhere releasing boundless fragrant flaming clouds that pervade the Dharma Realm, Countless strands of many varieties of flowers trail down, adorning those clouds. On such a throne of mani jewels adorned with fragrant clouds the Thus Come One is seated as he speaks the Dharma.

All kinds of adornments at the door of auspiciousness / Constantly emit lamplight which appears like jeweled flaming clouds. / Nothing escapes the illumination of this vast blaze. No place fails to be illumined by this dazzling light. Muni's adorned hallmarks are enhanced as he sits there. On top of the mani jewels, his adorned hallmarks are increased.  

All kinds of mani embellish the beautiful windows. The doors and windows are decorated with exceptionally sublime and wonderful precious lotuses that ornamentally trail down. From the doors and windows, lovely and inconceivably wondrous sounds of Dharma are emitted, delighting all who hear. No matter what kind of living beings hear this Dharma sound, they are delighted. Seated there, the Buddha assumes special eminence. The Buddha has an exceptional radiance about him as he sits upon the Dharma seat.

The throne is supported by half-moon-shaped precious wheels. Beneath the Buddha's lion throne are jeweled wheels in the shape of half moons. The dais from which the Buddha proclaims the Dharma is made of vajra and is the color of flames. It is remarkably brilliant.  

 ~ To be continued


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