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In Gratitude and Remembrance


法界佛教總會金聖寺,於〈2002年〉六月三十日星期日舉行紀念宣公上人涅槃七週年法會,有百多位信眾參加誦經 、傳供、禮懺的佛事,並有十幾位大、小居士講述他們對上人的景仰與感恩,尤其是講到上人不可思議的境界,更令人確信上人沒有離開,時刻是與我們同在的。

首先,莊果男居士提到洛杉磯有位 上人的老弟子,他自修時門前樹上的小鳥叫個不停;有次臨時有事,改在夜裏做功課,哪知竟然眾鳥齊鳴,鄰犬吠叫 ,吵得驚動四鄰,他的太太氣得不准他再修法了。他不明白為什麼會有這種怪事,所以就向遠在舊金山的上人求援。妙的是,當上人告訴他「以後不會了!」 果然再也沒有鳥叫了!

張果蓉居士年前參加一個印地安人的聚會,意外聽到有人提及在幾年前,在靜坐中看見一位老和尚送給他一支掃把,他頓時感到心裏很安祥;第二天看報,見到上人圓寂的消息與圖片,才知道夢中的和尚是誰。因此他來過萬佛聖 城三次,每次的感受都是一樣--心裏充滿了安祥。

金聖寺佛學班的大孩子,雖然中文不很流暢,但在簡短的言談中,都表達了他們感謝上人成立金聖寺,及學習佛法的歡喜。十五歲的宋青樺,有一次夢到在一個房間裏,狂風吹颺而上人卻如如不動,她明白老和尚是教她要學忍辱 ,不要亂發脾氣。

最後,章先慶〈Sam Jinq果慶〉居士講了最近發生的一樁妙聞。章居士是安徽人,想到九華山念佛終老,所以十天前打電話給父親,請他幫忙打點這件事 。沒想到當晚章老居士就夢到上人講,「以前我叫你兒子出家,你不肯;現在我們好不容易有了金聖寺,你卻叫他去九華山。這事你要負責!」 嚇得章老居士趕忙通知兒子,「師父說不行,我看這事不能再談了!」




Dharma Realm Buddhist Association commemorated the Seventh Anniversary of the Venerable Master's Nirvana by holding a Memorial Ceremony on June 30, 2002 at Gold Sage Monastery. More than a hundred faithful disciples came to recite sutras, participate in the Passing of Offerings, and attend the Repentance Ceremony. Over ten lay devotees expressed their reverence and gratitude by sharing their thoughts of the Venerable Master, especially his inconceivable states, deepening our faith that the Venerable Master is still here with us.

The first speaker was Upasaka Chuang Guo-nan, who related an incident about an old disciple in Los Angeles. When he was cultivating by himself, a bird would chirp continuously outside on the tree by the window. Even when he was busy and changed his schedule to cultivate at night, the bird still chirped very loudly, disturbing the neighbors. His wife was very angry and did not permit him to cultivate anymore. He did not understand the reason for such an occurrence, and therefore he asked the Venerable Master, who was in San Francisco at the time, for help. The Venerable Master told him that it would not occur anymore. Miraculously, the bird no longer chirped after that.

Following that, Upasika Chang Guo-rong shared a story she heard last year when she attended a Native American Peace Ceremony. One of the participants said that a few years ago, while meditating, he had a vision in which an old monk came and gave him a broom, and suddenly he felt very peaceful and at ease. The next day, he read in the newspaper of the Venerable Master's passing into stillness. Looking at the picture, he identified the monk in his vision. After that, he came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas three times and each time, he experienced the same feeling of peacefulness.

Although the Chinese level of Gold Sage Monastery's Sunday Buddhist class is not very advanced, the students gave short speeches expressing their gratitude and joy to the Venerable Master for establishing Gold Sage Monastery and the Sunday Buddhist Studies class. Fifteen year old Song Chin-hua once had a dream in which she saw the Venerable Master sitting in deep stillness inside a room while the wind hollered outside. She interpreted it to mean that the Venerable Master was teaching her to be patient and not get angry.

Finally, Upasaka Chang Guo-Ching (Sam Jinq) spoke of a miraculous incident. Upasaka Chang is from An- hui Province in China. In his old age, he wanted to go to Nine Flowers (Jiuhua) Mountain to recite the Buddha's name. Therefore, ten days before, he placed a call to his father asking for his help. That night, the elder Upasaka Chang had a dream in which the Venerable Master said to him, "Previously, I told your son to leave the home life, but you were unwilling. Now we have Gold Sage Monastery and you want him to go to Nine Flowers Mountain. You have to take responsibility for this matter!" Frightened, Upasaka Chang immediately contacted his son and said, "The Venerable Master says it's not okay; let's not discuss this matter anymore!"  

Upasaka Chang very seriously reminded everyone not to do things in the dark, thinking that no one will know; actually the Venerable Master knows everything.  



法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea