萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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金輪寺護法誠心,上人教導嚴格,果相回憶,每次上人來總問我有沒有對同修發脾氣欺負他?上人知道我脾氣大,常為小事跟同修發火。每次我有所供養,上人總說,「妳什麼都好,就是脾氣不好;我什麼都不要,妳就把妳的壞脾氣給我吧…!」果相自認受教於上人座下廿多年,確實是改變了許多,皈依後馬上就改掉抽菸的壞毛病;喝酒、跳舞、打牌、亂買東西的 毛病也改了不少。她說上人曾說,「妳什麼都好,若沒有脾氣就十全十美了。」所以自己也就慢慢從內心改起,從一個沒有用的人,改成一個師父所教導的有用的人, 「師父教導我那麼多年,我自認沒有辜負上人的一番教導。」

蔡果裕居士也說,「我原來最愛釣魚 ,明暸六道輪迴的道理後,就吃素放生,再不釣魚了。初來美國時經濟壓力大,情緒低落,上人給了我勇氣,幫助我走出困境。」

上人每次來金輪寺都打皈依,弟子中有多人放棄事業來聖城修行;有的出家,有的護法當義工:如房地產經紀人王果潤 、建築師張果麟潘果如夫婦帶兒子張譽鐘一家三口、進出口商胡果浩姜果朝夫婦,帶同母親胡汪珣如及兩個兒子明道、明宇一家五口、電機工程師魏果時謝果雯夫婦等都是。隨上人出家的,前後有比丘尼恆在恆蓮恆端三姐妹、恆智、恆謹(姜果朝之母)、恆懿(魏果時之妹)、恆章、恆裕、恆月恆耐母女(帶同外孫女楊亭娜遷 居聖城)、還有恆聖、恆大等人。  

1989年底又遷至58街現址。每次遷 移,粉刷牆壁,釘製佛桌拜墊,修理門窗,補漏換瓦等事,一切均由出家在家兩眾親自動手。上人尤其不許出家人寮房裡用好書架、好傢具;要用舊的,而且越簡單越好,吃也不准挑好的。上人每次來金輪寺,都坐沒有冷氣的老爺車,經十多小時到達後,不顧汗流浹背,仍然上堂說法,也曾在金輪寺傳授四十二手眼。  


諦聽法王真實義 原來法王法如是
溈仰一脈繫靈山 大哉宣公震法雷
光耀威赫洛杉磯 從地湧出金寶輪

*     *     *

第一座: 1977年2月成立
位於5743 N. Huntington Dr.LA,Ca90032

位於5052 Argus Dr. LA, CA 90042鷹石市 。(eagle Rock)
一層木質結構,面積2,500平方呎, 大殿拜位150。

位於1728 W. 6th St. LA, CA 90017

第四座〈現址〉: 1989年遷入
位於235N. Avenue58,LA,CA90042


The supporters of Gold Wheel Monastery are sincere. The Venerable Master's teachings are strict. Guo Xiang recalled, "Every time the Venerable Master came, he always asked me if I had gotten mad at my husband or harassed him? The Venerable Master knows that I have a big temper and that I always get upset at my husband over the littlest things. Every time I made any offerings, the Venerable Master would say, "Everything about you is good, except for your temper. I don't want anything, just give me your bad temper!" Guo Xiang admits that over the twenty years that she studied under the Venerable Master, she really has changed a lot. As soon as she took refuge, she dropped her bad habit of smoking. She dropped many of her bad habits such as drinking, dancing, playing mahjong, and shopping. She said, "The Venerable Master had said, 'Everything about you is fine. If you were free of a temper, then you would be perfect.' So I began to change gradually from within. Through the Master's teaching, I went from a useless individual to someone useful." "I believe I have not let the Master down after he taught me for so many years."  

Guo Yu Tsai also said, "I used to love fishing best, but after I understood the principles of transmigration in the Six Paths, I became a vegetarian and started to liberate life. I didn't fish any more. When I first came to the United States, my financial pressures were immense so I was moody. The Venerable Master gave me courage and helped me to walk out of that difficult situation."

Every time the Venerable Master held refuge ceremonies at Gold Wheel Monastery, many of the disciples would give up their professions and come to cultivate at the City. Some joined the Sangha and some worked as Dharma protecting volunteers. For instance, they include: realtor Maggie Wang; architect Chang Guo-Ling, wife Pan Guo-Ru and son Robert Chang; exporter and importer Hu Guo-Hao and wife Guo Chao, his mother Wang Xun-Ru and sons Justin and Irving; electrical engineer Joey Wei and wife Hsieh Guo-Wen etc. Those who left the homelife with the Venerable Master include the three sisters-- Bhikshunis Heng Zai, Heng Lyan, and Heng Duan, Heng Zhi, Heng Jin (Guo Chao's mother), Heng Yi (Joey Wei's younger sister), Heng Chang, Heng Yu, mother-daughter pair Heng Yue and Heng Nai (along with granddaughter Tina Yang who moved to live at the City), also Heng Sheng, Heng Da and others.

At the end of 1989, Gold Wheel again moved to the current address at 58th Street. Every time they moved, they would paint the walls, make or order the altar tables and bowing cushions, fix the doors and windows, patch any leaks, replace bricks, and so on. Both the laity and Sangha would do everything themselves. The Venerable Master specifically forbade monastics from using fine bookshelves and furniture in their rooms. Old furniture should be used and the simpler the better. They couldn't pick what tastes better either. Every time the Venerable Master went to the Gold Wheel Monastery, he rode in an old beat up car without air conditioning. After more than ten hours in the car, he would still go and speak Dharma despite sweating profusely. He had also transmitted the 42 Hands and Eyes at Gold Wheel Monastery.

Gold Wheel Monastery has already moved three times and has had four addresses. More than ten thousand people have taken refuge with the Venerable Master at Gold Wheel. The current manager is Bhikshuni Heng Shr. Now that we reflect on the life of the Venerable Master as the seventh anniversary of his passing [is coming up], it's exactly as Upasaka Joey Wei says,

Contemplate the Dharma King's true and actual meaning:
Originally the Dharma of the Dharma King is Thus.
The single lineage of Wei-yang School traces its roots back to the Efficacious Mountain (Ling Shan).
Mighty indeed is the Venerable Master Hua
As he rolls the Dharma thunder
His awesome light shining upon Los Angeles:
A golden jeweled wheel emerges from the ground
Thus named Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery.  

A footnote on Gold Wheel Monastery:
First facility: established in February, 1977. 5743 N. Huntington Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032 One-story wooden structure. 1,500 square feet in area. 50 places for bowing in the main hall.


Second facility: moved into during the summer of 1979. 5052 Argus Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90042 (Eagle Rock) One-story wooden structure. 2,500 square feet in area. 150 places for bowing in the main hall.

Third facility: moved into in 1982. 1728 W. 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Three-story wooden structure. 15,000 square feet in area. 750 places for bowing in the main hall.

Fourth facility: moved into in 1989. 235 N. Avenue 58, Los Angeles, CA 90042 Three-story wooden structure. 10,000 square feet in area. 300 places for bowing in the main hall.  

The End



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