...You should tell those people from the City of Ten
Thousand Buddhas who sat in meditation while others were
reciting the Buddha’s name, "We don't meditate and recite
the Buddha's name at the same time. You have to do whatever
everyone else is doing. You cannot go off to yak while other
people are reciting the Buddha's name."
Whoever comes here must follow the rules; otherwise, they
will have to kneel by the door and cannot come back in
In the future, people in the City of Ten Thousand cannot
casually go off to Gold Wheel Monastery or Gold Summit
Monastery an behave however they please. You stay here for a
while if you feel like it, and then you run off to another
branch Wayplace or to Gold Wheel Monastery to steal some
time off. That is not permissible. Gold Wheel Monastery is
not a place for you to go and be lazy.