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闔家同沐上人恩─ ─介紹詹果月居士
Whole Family Bathed In The Grace Bestowed By The Venerable Master-
Intorducing Upasika Guo-Yue Chan

牧愚 編輯 Compiled By Mu-Yu
李宗祐 英譯 English Translation By Michael Lee

居住於臺灣的詹果月居士,一九八六年隨眾朝山時,第一次聽聞「南無觀世音菩薩」聖號;清淨的聖號聲,令她滌盡俗慮,頓覺身心清涼 ,不自覺地流下了感動的淚水。「聞名及見身,心念不空過」,流浪生死苦海中的娑婆眾生,常因觀音菩薩普門示現而蒙接引,詹居士亦如是此。







Upasika Chan Guo-Yue, who lives in Taiwan, heard the holy name, “Namo Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva” for the first time in 1986, when she joined others on a walking pilgrimage to mountain monasteries. The pure sounds of that holy name washed away all her mundane worries and at that moment, she felt refreshed in her mind and body. Before she knew it, she was shedding tears from being so moved. “Having heard [Guanyin’s] name and seen his form, be mindful without pause.” Living beings, who drift through the bitter seas of life and death, often accept guidance after seeing the manifestation of Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Universal Door. Upasika Chan is one such case.

In 1990, her entire family took refuge with Venerable Master. After two or three years, Upasika Chan arrived at Dharma Realm Buddhist Association’s branch in Taipei——the Dharma Realm Buddhist Books Distribution Society, where she encountered the teachings of the Venerable Master. The Venerable Master said, “When one achieves a state of no contention, no greed, no seeking, no selfishness, no self—benefit, and no false speech, then one has upheld the Five Precepts.” These Six Great Principles of the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas serve as guidelines for students of the Venerable Master, who follow them day and night in their practice.

Upasika Chan was like someone who found the utmost precious treasure. Besides practicing as instructed and tirelessly devoting herself to cultivation, she went further and used these Six Great Principles to teach her children, making these their key ethics in personal development and social conduct. At the same time, she encouraged them to read the instructional talks of the Venerable Master, recite the Shurangama Mantra, and attend Dharma sessions. Upasika Chan is delighted that her two children mutually support each other and show a great sense of responsibility in their respective jobs. She feels that she has bestowed the best assets upon her children.  

During these past few years, Upasika Chan has been full of gratitude. She is grateful for the Bodhisattvas' blessings that allowed her entire family to learn the Buddhadharma and nurture the wisdom life of their Dharma bodies. She is grateful that her husband passed away peacefully amidst the chanting of the multitude. She is also grateful that during this Dharma-Ending Age, the Venerable Master taught and transformed beings with compassion and patience, raised the great Dharma banner and expounded the great Dharma teaching, so that she could practice accordingly. Upasika Chan's confidence in the Venerable Master increases day by day. She is determined to get rid of her bad habits and maintain a strong Bodhi resolve to benefit others, so as to repay the Venerable Master for his teachings.

* Editor's note: Upasika Chan's son and daughter are also volunteers in the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association. Her daughter Guo Jia-Hui currently works as an editor at Gold Sage Monastery.  


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea