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The 25th Anniversary of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
Looking Back to the Past and Onwards to the Future (continued)

2001年7月1日下午於萬佛城 In the Buddha Hall of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, July 1, 2001
牧愚 編輯整理 Edited and compiled by Mu-Yu

大家都記得今天早上湯姆·麥克米倫教授曾說過,他發願一定要把瑜伽市、孟都仙諾郡,以及萬佛城,做一個合作圈,這是我們都聽到的。現在這位同修是邁可‧歐文(果開) 。 上人在一九七四年,為了使以前的金山寺的防震設備更堅固,需人幫忙造牆壁。邁可就帶來了一臺攪拌泥土的小機器,領著大家修改金山寺。

果開(邁可‧歐文): 比丘恒實中譯

我和我太太也是在這邊認識而結婚,已有兩個孩子。我也在一個藝術學院做油畫、貼布等教學工作。我聽莎麗說,我們的學生在鹽湖城表現得很活躍。 我很放心, 因為那些學生是我教他們美術,看著他們長大的。他們受上人的影響,上人經常鼓勵我們站起來,給大家講話。很多小孩在讀書時抱怨:「哎呀!這邊太嚴格,什麼什麼的。」不過到他們返校時,就可以看到他們長成什麼樣的大人了!是從自立、自強,學習正知正見的小 孩,變成有正知正見的大人了。   


昨天你們聽到易校長說,他去臺灣一年,回來後去打坐那個晚,有對夫婦在那邊,那對夫婦是莎拉(邁可 ‧ 歐文太太)的姊姊和姊夫,和他(易校長)三個人,所以莎拉很早就已經知道上人,現在她來講一些她和上人的因緣。

莎拉· 歐文:  
持法師讓我上來講一些,本來我覺得不大舒服 ﹣﹣不是藉口,是真的。後來持法師給了我一個主題,要我談談和上人的因緣,所以我就上來了。我想講講我第一次遇見上人,那時我十五歲,到三藩市去看姊姊、姊夫,他們到天后廟街那邊的一個佛教講堂去聽演講。




I'd like to say before we move on that Tom MacMillan, sitting here on my right this morning, said some words. And I said, "Please speak in the microphone. We want to record what you're saying." He spoke into the microphone and he is on record as having said that he wants to make a commitment and investment and involvement of his life to take leadership in United Religious Initiatives here in the Ukiah Valley; particularly the city of Ukiah. We'll make bridges for mutual understanding between the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and others locally. Tom has the status to say that because he's a local Baptist Minister. So, that's the sign of the future. I just want to make that point.  

This is Michael Owen. I first met him as Michael the mason, when he showed up with his truck towing a cement mixer outside the door of Gold Mountain Monastery. With his mud trowel in his hand he said, "You got a wall to build?" So, in fact, we did.  

Hello. That was in the spring of 1975 and my hod-carrier on that job was Dharma Master Heng Sure, and he did a pretty good job. We had many experiences here. I became involved not only in the building project here, but in the art projects as well. We created quite an art department with Flory Chow, doing building and sculpture. I also met my wife here. We got married and have two wonderful children. This has been quite a place. I really want to just talk a little bit about how the experience I gained has changed my life. I came to depend on this temple and the Buddhist religion to guide my life, taking the Three Refuges and learning to live life the right way as far as I can. Shr Fu made quite a difference in many of our lives and it's an honor to be here. It's an honor to live here. I worked with the Abbot for so many years and learned to communicate and to understand how to do things.

The woman who just spoke before me related how many people went to this conference and were able to just go for it and speak and perform. That doesn't surprise me in the least. I work with these young people; I've seen them grow up. The art show up now has a history in it that they try to show, and you'll see how they grew up. Young people here always say, "Well it's a really hard place to go to school," and some of them say they don't like it. Then they come back. You'll see what kind of people they have become. They are self-reliant, they are able to speak and tell their ideas, and they have good morals. It doesn't surprise me to hear that. Shr Fu would always tell people, "Walk in, come on, get up and speak, hurry, say what you have to say." And nobody would. Then after awhile, some people would. But people learned to speak because Shr Fu would. He got up and said things and encouraged people to talk and express their ideas. Even if you were wrong, it was OK to say what you had to say. I think that being at the City of 10,000 Buddhas is the most wonderful experience a person could have. I encourage everyone. If you've got some stories to tell, you should.

I'm glad to be here. Now I am involved with the painting of all the buildings in the temple. That may seem like kind of a mundane job, but you know, I met the elder nuns who live on the other side when I painted that building, and then I met the people who work for DRBU when I painted the guest building. I met the people at the school when I did that. I met the people who do the flowers when I painted that building, and I met the people who run the restaurant. I hope to go on and meet everybody because you eventually get to see who's here. I appreciate every single bit of it and I am proud to be one of your Dharma brothers. Thank you.  

Yesterday you all heard Ron Epstein say that after he came back from his one year visit to Taiwan, he saw a couple when he went to meditate at the Buddhist Lecture Hall. Those two were Sarah's sister and brother in-law. Sarah knew the Venerable Master for quite some time, so we'd like to invite her to talk about her conditions with the Master.

When Heng Ch'ih asked me to speak, I told her I wasn't feeling very well. It is true. It wasn't just an excuse. Then she gave me a topic to talk about, so I thought maybe I could say something. I am going to talk about when I first met Shr Fu, which was when I was very young. I think I was 15.  

 ~ To be continued



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