According to his theory of the five elements, the five virtues correspond to the five internal organs of people. If one is lacking in the five virtues, then diseases of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys will occur. If one were to enumerate the cases of illnesses in the book, it is complete in terms of the five internal organs.
Understanding these principles, we know how terrible it is if, instead of honestly facing our habits and faults in daily life, we submit to our greed, hatred and delusion, because our moods and the five internal organs are closely related. Bad moods keep the internal organs from functioning properly, and much of that bad energy will be stored. If you get angry during the day, and sit in meditation at night, the skill you obtain may not suffice to counter the karma of afflictions during the day, not to mention eradicating past karma. Is this not fighting with oneself?
Lastly, although Good Man Wang spoke about the Heavenly Way, it takes a great deal of resolution to reform one's character. He said, "To give up one's hope for good, reforms the character." Although there are many examples of changing one's character, it usually takes being oppressed by illness or circumstances before one resolves to change one's character. Buddhists talk about vow power; we should not wait until our health has declined before we make real vows. Instead we should work hard before we die, and overcome our habits early. Do not be the slave of your habits forever. Amitabha!
(The End)