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What a Pity—Plenty of Rooms and No People— But We Have Buddhas!

比丘恆實 講於萬佛城大殿2000年11月5日星期日晚
Spoken by Bhikshu Heng Sure on Sunday evening, November 5, 2000, at the Buddha Hall of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
微風 英譯 English translation by Breeze












The story that Guofu just told was really interesting. [Please refer to the story "Do Not Hunt on the Triple Jewel's Grounds— An Unusual Happening at the Walnut Ranch," in issue 369.] This reminds me of another story. During one ordination, many eminent monks came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas from different parts of Taiwan. When they saw how large the City is, with so many rooms, do you think one or two of them were...? We never know. However, when we were cleaning the Great Compassion House after they left, I saw that before leaving, one of the visiting Dharma Masters had written a sentence on a blackboard near Tathagata Monastery: "What a pity— plenty of rooms and no people." When I saw it, I got angry, "How could he do that? He's insulting us!"

Afterwards, I decided to inform the Venerable Master about it, "Master, such and such a Dharma Master wrote a sentence on a blackboard."

"What does it say?"

"It says, 'What a pity— plenty of rooms and no people.' See? He's insulting the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas!" The Venerable Master was unperturbed and asked, "Did you write anything in response?"

"I... I... I didn't write anything, Master."

"Do you know how I would respond?" We all know that the Venerable Master could match couplets, right?

Then I said, "No, Master, I don't."

"I can write... repeat that sentence again."

"What a pity— plenty of rooms and no people."

"That's easy: 'We have Buddhas!'

" So the result was, "What a pity— plenty of rooms and no people— but we have Buddhas!"


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