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My Concept of a Hero



During spring 2001 the 9th and 10th graders of Developing Virtue Girls High School read The Odyssey in their English class. This ancient Greek epic poem describes the 10-year-long wanderings and adventures of the Greek uarrior Odysseus. After considering the qualities of Odysseus, some students wrote about their own concept of a hero. The following are two personal views on what makes a person a hero.


每個人對英雄都有不同的看法。照字典的解釋,他是「在神秘與傳奇中,既有能力又有功績。」英雄人物到處可見 - - 書本、雜誌、電影、電視、警察局、醫院,甚至日常家庭父母親的角色中。英雄可以是杜撰的或真實的,到哪裡去勾勒我們對英雄的看法呢?從理想不斷變遷的社會與個人,從過去到目前。英雄也可托顯出許多特質與事情;他們或是我們期許自己未來所能成就的人物,或是我們所仰慕的某些內涵與情操。或者,他們就是英雄,不多也不少。他們的存在可以單單是為啟發我們或讓我們開心。到底英雄能為我們做什麼呢?我相信他們啟發並提升我們,沒有他們的啟示,我們或者就畏縮不前。他們給我們想像力,使我們能脫離日常生活中時有的呆滯與痛苦。英雄給我們榜樣來模仿,讓我們嘗試使他們再現。






Radharani Kary, 10th Grade

Everyone has a different concept of what a hero is. As defined in many dictionaries, he is: "...in mythology and legend, a man celebrated for his strength and great exploits." We can find heroes everywhere— in books, magazines, movies, television, police departments, hospitals, even in everyday households in the form of our parents. A hero can be fictional as well as factual. Where do we draw these concepts of ours from? From an ever-changing group of ideals of society and man, from past and present. Heroes may embody many things as well. They can be what we wish to be someday or they can possess certain qualities that we just admire. Or, they can be just that— a hero, nothing more, nothing less. They can exist solely to inspire and entertain us. What do heroes do for us exactly? I believe they inspire us to reach new heights, reach for something that otherwise we would not have dared. They furnish our imaginations, letting us escape the sometimes stagnant and painful everyday life. Heroes give us an ideal to imitate and copy, to try to duplicate.

My definition of a hero is drawn from images of King Arthur and his knights, of men (and women) who upheld justice and peace for all. If you ask me what I think an everyday hero is, I'd say someone who perseveres over the daily battles one must fight and gets through them with a sense of humor and grace. I don't believe heroes have to fly or have magic powers, So, you see, there are many heroes in the world, be they big or small, real or fantasy, and they can be whatever you want. There are too many to fit on a piece of paper, but here are a few I like: your parents, who give up and take on a lot when you arrive; athletes, who inspire many to jump for that hoop in the sky, teachers, who give us our education that is so important; our gods, who ultimately guide the purpose of our lives.

Amy Bernacki, 10th Grade

My concept of a hero is not exactly a knight in shining armor, or even a big, tall, and strong guy with muscles, although this is the image we often think of when the word "hero" is mentioned. I also think that you don't have to do anything huge or be famous to be a hero. Anyone can donate money to an organization or person and say, "I helped them out, therefore I'm a hero," but I think words and actions are more crucial than any amount of money.

To me parents are heroes because children were never easy to raise, and with today's society, parenting isn't getting any easier. Teachers are heroes too, since they also take part in shaping a person's education and character as much as their parents do. Anyone who has served as a mentor is a hero too. Anyone who has taught you a lesson, opened up your eyes, your mind, your spirit, your imagination. Someone who has made you realize things you never thought of, broadened your horizons, let you experience and enjoy the simple wonders and joys of this bewildering thing called life. Someone who is always there for you when you need them; honest and straightforward, yet prepared with a word of comfort to compliment or soothe you.

People and situations can teach you to be patient, kind, loving, caring, helpful, appreciative, and so on. These are the types of qualities I find in some people I consider heroes. Many people don't even know they're my heroes, which makes people feel more comfortable in some cases because, personally, I think it's even more heroic if someone does something behind the scenes rather than flaunting it to everyone, telling them how great they think themselves. That takes a lot of strength and I really admire that.


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