在古基督文學中,奧古斯丁(S.Aureli Augustin 354-430 A.D)的《懺悔錄》中,詳述他對天主懺悔雙目的享受,略述如下:
《普賢觀經》中對於鼻根的懺悔詳述道:「鼻根聞到香氣,如男女身體的香氣,佳餚的美味,以及種種香味,受到迷惑不能克制,攪動了種種欲望,被欲望綁住了,種種煩惱也就翻動了 ,由此而造無量無邊的罪,由於貪著香味,起分別意識,而有種種染著,才會墮落受苦報。十方諸佛的功德妙香遍滿法界,我們被濁惡鼻根障住 ,嗅聞不到」
The Mahaprajapati Sutra states, "The female body is evil and impure, laden with lust, pride, greed, jealousy, phoniness, emotions, anger, and other evil habits, making it difficult to cultivate the Way. As a female, one should acknowledge the base qualities of the female body and be remorseful and ashamed. Males should avoid having the flaws of females and contemplate that they themselves have been women and possessed those base and evil habits in the past. Consider those flaws as warnings. One could further contemplate, 'I am a man today because a woman bore and nurtured me. I should save women out of gratitude. By contemplating in this way, one will not be pulled into any petty contests between men and women. Rather, one has a repentant attitude. In the Confessions, a classic of Catholic literature, St. Augustine repents to God of the transgressions of his eyes:
"My eyes enjoy beautiful form and bright colors. During all my waking hours, they tease and seduce me so that I have not a moment's peace. Unlike the sound of silence that allows me to enjoy momentary peace, royal colors shine and saturate everything that I see, no matter where I am during the day. Although I have other thoughts on my mind, they continue to pour into me and caress me with a wide range of forms and colors. Their power to penetrate is tremendous. If they disappear suddenly, I will eagerly pursue them. If they disappear for a long time, I will be sorely unhappy.
For blind men who are drunk with the mundane, the brilliance of material objects is sprinkled with seductive and dangerous sweetness.
People craft and decorate clothing, shoes, goods, pictures, etc. with various wonders just so that they please the eye. They exceed the simple and practical needs by far. They further defy the idea behind solemnity. They spend their energies on external objects and specialize in such productions. Their spirits have abandoned their Creator, however, destroying what the Creator has fashioned in them."
St. Augustine further analyzed that people's thirst for knowledge derives from curiosity. They use the sense organ of the eyes as a tool, "Let's see what's ringing." "Let's see what smells so good." "Let's see how this tastes." Therefore, the Bible refers to "the eyes' desire." Here, we see a common weakness among human beings. This is a good reference for religions that have similar needs. This helps us recognize the function of the eye organ and the habits that it has contracted.
Besides the aforementioned, sexual desire between men and women also germinates from the eyes' desires. Men love to look at beautiful women; women love to look at handsome men. Sexual desire is the reason why beings transmigrate in the wheel of the six paths. How could one not be frightened and be determined to leave it behind?
2. The Repentance of the Ears
The Sutra of Universal Worthy's Contemplation contains the following repentance on behalf of the ears. "The causes and conditions of the ears are that they always follow sounds outside. Upon hearing beautiful sounds, they become infatuated and attached. They are unhappy when they hear unpleasant sounds, producing 108 kinds of afflictions and harming the purity of one's inherent nature. Due to the evil ear organ that attracts evil retribution, we often hear evil sounds and evil views, and therefore cannot hear the Proper Dharma. Although all the Buddhas throughout the ten directions are speaking Dharma, our polluted ears prevent us from hearing the clean sounds of Dharma."
Similarly, in his Confessions, St. Augustine also repents of how he entertained sounds. In general, he was attached to songs and music. He repented for not listening to holy music. The Sutra of Universal Worthy's Contemplation contains a repentance that's broader in scope as far as the ear organ is concerned. It includes discrimination of good and bad language. When consciousness differentiates, it gives rise to afflictions and attachments, so that we cannot be pure and at ease.
3. The Repentance of the Nose
The Sutra of Universal Worthy's Contemplation describes the repentance of the nose thus: "Beings are confused when their nose smells fragrances such as the bodily scents of men or women, or the sweet aroma of savory foods. Consequently, they cannot control themselves. Having aroused various desires, they are tied down by those desires. In turn, various afflictions arise, creating innumerable offenses. Due to one's greed for fragrance, one's consciousness discriminates and falls to a lower and miserable realm because of various defilements and attachments. Obstructed by our defiled nose, we cannot smell the wondrous fragrance of the merit of all Buddhas in the ten directions."
To be continued |