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An Essay of Exhortation
to Bring Forth the Bodhi Resolve

古杭梵天寺 沙門實賢 撰 By Shramana Shixian of the Brahma Heaven Monastery in Ancient Hangzhou
宣公上人講 1985年1979年 合併版 Explained by the Venerable Master Hua in 1985 and 1979
國際譯經學院 記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute







What is the wish for rebirth in the Pure Land? Progress in the Way is difficult when we cultivate in the world. But once we have been reborn in that world, becoming a Buddha is easy. Because cultivating is easy there, we can be successful in one lifetime. Because it is difficult here, many eons have passed and we still have not accomplished our goal. Therefore, each and every Sage and Worthy of the past has taken this road. And passage after passage in all the thousands of Sutras and myriads of Shastras points in this direction. For cultivators in the Dharma-ending Age, nothing surpasses this method.

The Sutras say, however, that we cannot be reborn there if our good deeds are few. Only through many acts deserving of blessings can we be successful. They say that none of the many acts deserving of blessings equals maintaining the recitation of Amitabha Buddha's name. They say that none of the many good deeds equals a great resolution of the mind. Therefore, reciting the Sage's name even briefly is superior to practicing giving for a hundred years. And by simply making the great resolve, we transcend eon after eon of cultivation.

We may practice mindfulness of the Buddha with the hope of becoming a Buddha, but if we fail to make the great resolve, our mindfulness will not be sincere. We may have resolved our minds on cultivating, but retreat is easy, despite our resolve, unless we are reborn in the Pure Land.
Therefore, plant a Bodhi seed. Till with the plow of mindfulness of the Buddha, and the fruits of the Way will naturally grow. Ride the ship of great vows to enter the ocean of the Pure Land. Then we will certainly be reborn in the West.

This is the ninth cause and condition for resolving the mind upon Bodhi.

What is the wish for rebirth in the Pure Land? How do we do it in order to seek rebirth in the Pure Land? Why do we call it the Pure Land? Progress in the Way is difficult when we cultivate in this world. Although we are able to cultivate in this Saha World but progress in cultivation is difficult, instead day by day we may increase our karma of the Way. therefore it is not easy to cultivate. But once we have been reborn in that world, in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, becoming a Buddha is easy. Because cultivating is easy there, we can be successful in one lifetime. Once when we reached the Land of Ultimate Bliss, we will be able to see the Buddha and enlightened to the non-production dharma of patience. Because it is easy to cultivate there, so we are able to accomplish it in one lifetime. Because it is difficult to cultivate in the Saha World, many eons have passed and we still have not accomplished our goal. It is difficult to cultivate in the Saha World because of causes and conditions that obstruct us, so we have passed through a countless number of eons, yet we still have not accomplished our goal.

Therefore each and every Sage and worthy of the past has taken this road: for this reason all the Patriarchs of the past and the virtuous ones all wish for rebirth in the Pure Land. And passage after passage in all the thousands of Sutras and myriads of Shastras points in this direction: all the Sutras and Shastras mention the Pure Land Dharma door. For cultivators in the Dharma-ending Age, nothing surpasses this method. In the Dharma-ending Age no better method exists for cultivating than being mindful of the Buddha. It is simple, most convenient, easy, appropriate and suitable Dharma door to practice.

The Sutras say, however, that we cannot be reborn there if our good deeds are few. It is said in the Amitabha Sutra: "If our good roots, blessings, virtues, and causal connections are few, we cannot be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss." Only through many acts deserving of blessings can we be successful. We must plant many good roots and do many meritorious acts that earn blessings; then we can be born in the West. They say that none of the many acts of blessings equals maintaining the recitation of Amitabha Buddha's name. The best of all acts deserving of blessings is to maintain the recitation of the Buddha's name. Of the many good deeds, none equals a great resolution of the mind: making the vast, great resolve for Bodhi is the best of all good deeds. Therefore, reciting the Sage's name even briefly is superior to practicing giving for a hundred years. The merit and virtue of reciting even briefly will surpass that of giving to others for one hundred years. It will surpass those giving of seven jewels for over a hundred years. And by simply making the great resolve, we transcend eon after eon of cultivation: making the great resolve transcends the amount of cultivation we have done in eon upon eon.

We may practice mindfulness of the Buddha with the hope of becoming Buddhas, but if we fail to make the great resolve, our mindfulness will not be sincere. We practice mindfulness of the Buddha with the hope of becoming Buddhas. Why are we mindful of the Buddha? We want to become Buddhas. If we do not make a great resolve, the Bodhi resolve, then of what use will mindfulness of the Buddha be? It won't be necessary to be mindful anymore. We may have resolved our minds on cultivating: Why do we make the great resolve? We make the great resolve in order to cultivate; but retreat is easy, despite our resolve, unless we are reborn in the Pure Land. Although we have the resolution to cultivate, unless we seek rebirth in the Pure Land we may lose our Bodhi resolve.

To be continued


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