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Four-fold Assembly:A Review of the Rules in the City of 10,000 Buddhas (continued)

*比丘恆律、恆來;比丘尼恆良講於萬佛城大殿2000年8月20日星期日晚 By Bhikshus Heng Lyu, Heng Lai; Bhikshuni Heng Liang in the Buddha Hall on the evening of Sunday, August 20, 2000
*比丘尼恆懿 中譯 Chinese translation by Bhikshuni Heng Yi















The next rule is very important. You cannot cook in your residence.  That means, unless you already have a kitchen built in, you cannot  use a hotplate, a rice cooker, or other such appliances. You cannot  cook in your room or in your apartment. I'm not going to ask you  to raise your hand, but let me ask you: How many people here  tonight have broken this rule, are breaking this rule, or know  someone who's breaking this rule? You don't have to answer. But  remember that you signed this. You made a promise to follow these  rules.     

Residents eating with the assembly, and that should be just about  everyone, are expected to eat during the hours when the dining  rooms are open. Right now, so many people are eating breakfast  and dinner in their rooms that the kitchen cannot function serving  breakfast and dinner. Not only that, but when you're eating in your  room, you attract mice and cockroaches and other unclean kinds  of animals and insects. We can't use poison here because we don't  kill, so once we have a pest problem, it's a problem of the CTTB.  Do you want to leave that problem when you go?  

Now if you're not doing this, please don't think that I'm scolding  you, because I'm not. I'm just talking about the principle. It's very  important. Since we're a community, we need to do things together.  Living here is not the same as owning your own home. Everyone  has a responsibility to the community. We're talking about rules  for those residences that do not have built-in kitchens. If there is a  built-in kitchen, then it's okay. For example, the cottages on Dharma  Protector Lane have kitchens that can be used, but in the back of  the CTTB, the Venerable Master never allowed people to have  kitchens. I was in Taiwan at the time, but I was told that he had  some kitchens torn out so that people wouldn't be able to use them.     

Now, regarding planting flowers, trees, and vegetables near your  residence, we have a landscaping committee to oversee that now.  Planting without authorization is more of a problem in the back  property, especially Dragon Tree House. We need to adorn the CTTB. If you don't really know how to plant things and you're  just enjoying yourself, that's not really helping. We're planning to  landscape that area to make it look neat and proper and adorned.  Recently somebody pulled out all the ground cover and even some  of the woods behind Dragon Tree House and planted something  else, and it looks like a wound on the side of the terrace. If you  would like to join the landscaping committee and help us and learn  with us, you would be welcomed because we really need more  energy.     

If you're going to have breakfast and dinner in the kitchen, then  sometimes you can help to cook because right now we're short of  cooks for breakfast and dinner because most people are eating  breakfast and dinner in their rooms.     

People have been dumping unwanted objects—bicycles,  refrigerators, washing machines, sofas, for example—outside their  door or in another room, or putting their personal belongings in  another room. All of these are not allowed. The left-home people  end up having to clean up after such people. If those people not  here, I hope they can still hear me. If you're not the one that I'm  talking to, then please don't be insulted. These things, refrigerators  and sofas, are very heavy. Do you know how many left-home people  now have back problems because they have had to move these  things?     

The next thing is to cherish the Way-place's energy and the energy  of the planet. If you see a light left on, don't just ignore it. Please  either turn it off yourself or tell the guest prefect. The same is true  of water. If you see a toilet is just flushing and flushing and won't  stop, please let someone know because it's wasting water.     

Here's another rule that I know is a problem and I really don't  know what to do about it, but I'm going to read it because everybody  here signed it and agreed to it. It says, "An atmosphere of study  and contemplation must be maintained. No stereos, no radios, no  VCR, no television, no private access to the Internet is allowed in  any of the residences. All of these things are not permitted. Single  residents, both men and women, may not have a private telephone.  Now I know that the situation has changed a great deal since these  rules were made. I know that the world has changed, but I think  that we should still try our best to follow these rules the best that  we can. This is not only for the Way-place to have an atmosphere  of quiet contemplation, but also for our minds to have a place of  quiet contemplation. Even if we're not really bothering anybody,  we're obstructing our own cultivation.     

I'll go to the last one. Except for special cases, all residents of  the CTTB are required to attend at least morning and evening  recitation, Avatamsaka Sutra recitation, lunch ceremony, and  afternoon and evening lectures, as well as special holiday  celebrations and special sessions. Children are also encouraged to attend.     

I feel that I want to say something about this because I think  some people use this as an excuse not to do other work. When I  started speaking, I said that the left-home people's primary  responsibility is to cultivate, and the lay people's primary  responsibility is to support the Dharma and be Dharma Protectors.  Recently, it's beginning to look to me like things are upside-down.  When we have Dharma assemblies, what happens in the kitchen,  for example, is that many of the lay residents say that they want to  attend the Dharma assemblies, and so the left-home people have to  cook for them. Now this doesn't include all the laypeople here.  I'm sure you know how much work you do. I would say that most  of the laypeople here work very, very hard to support the Way- place. But there are some who don't—enough so that it's a problem.  If you really want to cultivate, why don't you also leave home. You're more than welcome. I think I'll end on that note.

Bhikshu Heng Lai Shi:
I really support what Heng Liang said. This is very good. This is  like sweet dew to me: the principles of the CTTB. One thing that  should be said to the laypeople: you do not have to stay here. There's  no guard at the gate to hold you in here. It's not an easy thing to  live here and we all understand that. This is a place of cultivation.  If you're uncomfortable that you can't have your stereo, radio, TV  and VCR, your stove and refrigerator and all that, if you can't do  without those, then buy or rent a house in Ukiah and live there.  You could still come to the ceremonies here. But if you live here,  you have to follow a much more rigorous life style, and you must  produce the mind to do that. If you don't want to, then don't stay  here. It's as simple as that.

Bhikshu Heng Lyu Shi:
We come here to support the Way-place, so we should follow the  instructions. We should not follow our own ideas. Even if you say,  "I do this to support the Way-place"—that's your own idea. You  don't know the priorities of what should be done. If you go against  the instructions, you're not supporting the Way-place. You're not  helping the Way-place or Buddhism. You are turning Buddhism  upside-down. When you come here, you should let go of your ego  first. Don't be on an ego-trip at the Way-place. If you do that, you  just create karma.     

When we come here, we should follow instructions. That's the way to purify our lives and attain true liberation. Otherwise, our ego always tells us to do what we want to do, and we end up taking the express bus down to the hells. When we come here, we want to ascend, not descend. Why don't we follow the instructions?

(The End)


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