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An Essay of Exhortation
to Bring Forth the Bodhi Resolve

古杭梵天寺 沙門實賢 撰 By Shramana Shixian of the Brahma Heaven Monastery in Ancient Hangzhou
宣公上人講 1985年1979年 合併版 Explained by the Venerable Master Hua in 1985 and 1979
國際譯經學院 記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute

「向使不聞佛語」: 向就是假設,如果你不聽見佛所說的這個語言。「此事誰見誰聞」:這個道理誰知道呢?誰會看見呢?誰會聽見了呢?沒有的!「未睹佛經」:你若沒有看見佛經上所說這些個道理。「此理」:這個理論。「焉知焉覺」:你怎麼會知道呢?你又怎麼會覺悟到呢?「其或依前貪戀」:你如果還是照著以前那麼貪戀這個臭皮囊。「仍舊癡迷」:你還是不明白這個道理的話,「祇恐」:你就怕啊。「萬劫千生,一錯百錯」:一回錯了,那麼一百回都是錯的。   






If the Buddha did not speak of this, who would have  recognized or even imagined these things? If we had never  heard what the Buddha had said, how could we know about these situations? If we had not read the Buddha's sutras, how would  we know and be aware of these truths? If you've never read a  Sutra spoken by the Buddha, then how could you learn about  these matters?     

If we continue our hankering for love and pleasure, being  greedy for love and sex and other such pursuits of illusory  pleasure, then we will forever remain stupid and confused.  You will always be confused and will never wake up.     

It is only to be feared that one mistake has led to another  for ten thousand kalpas, through thousands of lives: You make  one mistake after another, all the while being attached to this  illusory human life. A human body is hard to obtain and easy  to lose: it is not easy to acquire this human body and once you  lose it, it is difficult to get it back. Good times soon pass and  cannot be brought back. Pleasant times pass quickly. Youth is  an example. When the time has passed, it is impossible to get it  back. The road is dark and gloomy: the path of the future is  dark. And separations last a long time. I must endure evil retribution in the Three Paths by myself: in the three evil  destinies of the hells, the hungry ghosts, and the animals, you  yourself must answer for what you've done. The pain is  unspeakable; it is unbearable to the extreme. Who would stand  in for me? No one can go to the hells or become a hungry ghost  or an animal on your behalf.     

Even discussing this subject chills my heart. Even writing  this essay chills my heart. We, therefore, must halt the flow of  birth and death. We must make a deep commitment to quickly cultivate the Way, resolve the mind on Bodhi, and halt the flow  of desire and of birth and death. Get out of the ocean of love  and desire: get out of the emotional love and desire. Save  ourselves and save others: you should save yourselves and  others so as to leave sufferings and attain bliss and reach the  other shore together. Together we should reach the other  shore of non-production and non-extinction. Of all things throughout distant kalpas past, this is the most extraordinary achievement, yet one only needs to begin: for beginningless eons until the present, this is the greatest of meritorious works, and yet it  lies within a single move. This is the sixth cause and condition for resolving the mind upon Bodhi: being mindful of the suffering of  birth and death.

What is reverence for our own spiritual nature? It is that right
now, in a single thought, I can directly be one with Shakyamuni Thus Come One, without any difference at all. Why is it, then,  that the World Honored One realized proper enlightenment an infinite number of eons ago, yet we are still muddled, confused,  and upside down, still only ordinary people? The Buddha, the  World Honored One, has also perfected infinite spiritual penetrations and wisdom and the adornments of merit and virtue, while we have only an immeasurable amount of karmic ties and afflictions and are bound to birth and death. Our minds and  natures and his are one, but our confusion and his enlightenment are as far apart as the sky and the abysmal deeps. If we calmly contemplate this matter, how could we not be ashamed? It is as  if we had dropped a priceless pearl into a mud puddle, considering  it as worthless as a broken tile, neither cherishing nor esteeming  it. We should therefore use an infinite number of wholesome Dharmas as an antidote to our afflictions. By cultivating virtue,  we gain merit, and the virtue of our nature can then appear.  Thus we wash the pearl and set it up high, where it now releases  a penetrating radiance that outshines everything. Then we can  say that we have not been ungrateful to the Buddha's teaching  and have not failed our own spiritual nature. This is the seventh cause and condition for resolving the mind upon Bodhi.

The seventh is reverence for our own spiritual nature, which is the Buddha's nature. The Buddha's nature is also our spiritual nature, because the Buddha and the living beings are the same. Why is it that the Buddha has such great wisdom? Why is it that we are still sostupid? The Buddha has accrued merit from cultivating virtue, and itallows the virtue of his nature to appear. When you have accomplished virtuous conduct through cultivation, the wisdom of your inherentnature will manifest. If you don't reform and polish your originalnature, then it won't manifest itself. Consider the analogy of a table.When a tree has grown to maturity, it can be cut down and sawedinto wooden boards, which can be used to make a table, a usefulpiece of furniture. However, you can't say that the tree is a table; youcan only say that the tree can be used to make different kinds ofhousehold utensils and useful equipment. If you don't know how touse it, you can only use it as firewood; but if you know carpentry,you can build different kinds of furniture or any other types of thingsthat you wish. 

To be continued


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