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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors

Turning Back the Tide of Destiny In Memory of Premier Zhou Enlai (continued)

上人講於金山寺 一九八六年三月二日 By the Venerable Master on March 2, 1986, at Gold Mountain Monastery
編輯部 英譯 English translation by Editorial Staff








「亙古未有俊英賢」:從古以來,沒有像周恩來做事這麼漂亮,令國際間都佩服。    「滿腔熱血創革命」:他懷著滿腔熱血來創造革命。   







Although he displayed complete devotion reminiscent of the stateman  Kongming,1 it was a shame that he lacked the wisdom to retire from public life, as did the strategist Zhang Zifang.2 He was just like Zhu-ge Kongming,  who said, "I will give over my body and soul to state affairs, and only after death  will I rest." Premier Zhou was just that loyal. And so even knowing clearly that  something was not easy to accomplish, he would still go ahead and do it. With  unswerving loyalty he obeyed Mao Zedong's orders. That was how mistakes like  "The Great Leap Forward" and the "Cultural Revolution" were made. He served  Mao with blind devotion, but he did not have Zhang Liang's wisdom and spirit to  retreat bravely at the critical moment. What a pity!   

Nonetheless, he was no doubt one of the extraordinary figures of China, a  unique hero who awakened the masses. Although he had his faults, he was still  one of the great leaders of China, an outstanding hero. Using his great eloquence  and insight, he was able to awaken the Chinese people. At the end of his life, he  didn't own any property, nor did he leave behind any valuables or personal  belongings. The only thing he left behind was a pile of worn-out clothes.     

On his deathbed, he asked to have his ashes scattered across the plains of China. He even requested that his body be cremated and his ashes be scattered all  over China. If he had entertained a single hair's worth of selfishness, he would not  have been able to do that. It is hoped that every person of Chinese ethnicity will emulate the spirit of Premier Zhou. That way, China will produce more  patriotic heroes of tremendous ability, as well as military and political leaders  who are impartial and unselfish. I hope everyone will learn from Zhou Enlai's  example. May China produce more patriotic, unselfish heroes who can support  and uphold the country, instead of producing more cowardly generals and prime  ministers who are just selfish and seeking their own benefit.

A verse in praise says:
Completely public-spirited and unselfish,
Straightforward, upright, and unbiased,

Wholeheartedly he labored for his country,
Never relaxing even in his sleep or at his meals.
An outstanding role model for China,
He was a worthy sage among the people.
I entrust this message to my fellow countrymen;
We should urge ourselves onward!

Completely public-spirited and  unselfish, / Straightforward, upright, and unbiased. Zhou Enlai was a man of great civic devotion and altruism, extremely righteous and free from any shred of bias. Wholeheartedly he labored for his country, never relaxing even in his sleep or at meals. He didn't care whether or not he had enough food or sleep. He was totally preoccupied with his country's affairs. An outstanding role model for China, he was a worthy sage among the people. In China, he was an outstanding hero devoted to his country and people. He was a worthy sage among the Chinese race. I entrust this message to my fellow countrymen. We should urge ourselves onward! We should enhort ourselves to cherish and protect China. People of other nationalities should cherish and protect their own countries as well.

Another verse says:
Exceedingly great, exceedingly determined,
He fostered an awesome spirit.
Never before was there such a worthy individual.
Filled with patriotic fervor,
He founded the revolution.
With a heart of utmost earnestness,
He tried to relieve the misery of those in great suffering.
The billion people of China
Mourned as if they had lost their own parents.
Leaders of all the nations Came to pay their respects before his casket.
A huge meteor fell, covering an area of three hundred miles
Heaven and earth wept, and all the people gazed up in admiration.

Exceedingly great, exceedingly determined, he fostered an awesome spirit. He was imbued with vast and proper energy. Never before was there such a worthy individual. From ancient times, there has never been one who took care of matters in such splendid manner, impressing even the international community. Filled with patriotic fervor, he founded the revolution. He embarked on the revolution with great energy and zeal. With a heart of utmost earnestness, he tried to relieve the misery of those in great suffering. With an open heart, he rescued the people, who were suffering terribly. The billion people of China mourned as if they had lost their own parents. When Premier Zhou passed away, China claimed a population of eight hundred million people, but I say that there were a billion. This essay was written at that time. Now they admit that at the time there were indeed a billion people. This number can be calculated, because three years before Premier Zhou's passing there were already six hundred million people. After a few years, how could there be only seven hundred million? They then said it was eight hundred million, and in the end they admit that it was a billion. When Zhou Enlai passed away, the billion people of China essentially all lost a parent.      

Leaders of all nations came to pay their respects before his casket. Leaders from all over the world came to mourn and show their respects. A huge meteor  fell, coveriug an area of three hundred miles. On the day of his death, a huge  meteor appeared in the sky above Manchuria. It fell and split into millions of tiny pieces. Premier Zhou's kindness was universal. Although this portent appeared  after his death, the people and the animals were not hurt all. They were all safe and sound.

Heaven and earth wept, and all the people gazed up in admiration. It rained on the day the Premier died. So you could say that heaven was mourning his  death. All the people cried when they heard of Premier Zhou's death. They cried  in their homes and on the streets. Everywhere people cried. One billion people all cried. Such a phenomenon would not have occurred if he had not truly loved his country and moved all the people. The entire population was united at heart as  they paid their final respects.
Another name for Zhu-ge Liang (181-234 a.d.), prime minister of the kingdom of Shu, during the Three Kingdoms Period, noted for his great loyalty and sagacity.
Also called Zhang Liang, military strategist who helped Liu Bang found the Han dynasty,  first century B.C.

(The End)


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