從小對生命感到好奇,因此到處找人算命。其中一位說她,「沒欠下感情債,今生沒姻緣。」1992年夢見一位老和尚,身邊站了兩個高大的西方人。後來看了照片才知道是上人,便請了許多上人的書看。看後,心有所感,自己的師父終於出現了,因此1993年初上人訪臺時皈依,法名果子。年底,乘年假來美拜見師父,可巧,上人正要接見一些申請出家的人。當時的果子學了幾天日中一食,便也報名了。見著上人時,上人劈頭就說,「妳以後別再到處算命了。」「妳命裏犯孤。」 頓時放下世緣,當天便剃頭了。12月16日抵美,28日剃頭,羨煞許多等了多年都沒獲准的申請人。
出家後一直在法界聖城受訓,學習上人家風 1995年上人圓寂後才受具足戒,這是恆君師最大的遺憾。幸好上人留下許多講經說法的錄音帶,我們希望恆君師謹記上人的告示,「這裏有很多工作要整理。」也祝福她有一天能運用其所長,幫忙將上人的錄音帶早日整理出來。 |
Heng Jyun Shi was born in Hong Kong and moved to Taiwan at the age of one. She studied in the News Editing and Reporting Department of the World College of Journalism in Taiwan. After graduating, she worked as a producer and a correspondent for the Taipei municipal government in the Taiwan Broadcasting Corporation. During her fifteen years there, she was given the Golden Bell Awards for Radio Drama programs by the Government Information Office, Executive Yuan in 1984 and 1986, and the Bright Side of Society Grand Award in 1992 by the Taipei Union of Journalists. She also received over ten other awards.
Curious about life ever since her youth, she consulted various fortune tellers, one of whom told her, "You have no emotional debts and will not marry in this life." In 1992, she dreamt of an elder monk accompanied by two Westerners. Later, she saw a photograph and realized that it was the Venerable Master. She obtained many volumes of the Venerable Master's books. After reading them, she was deeply moved and knew that she had found her Teacher. When the Master went to Taiwan in 1993, she took refuge and received the Dharma name Guo Zi. During her vacation at the end of the year, she paid a visit to the Master in the United States. It just so happened that the Master was meeting some applicants for leaving the home life. Having practiced eating one meal a day for several days, Guo Zi signed up as well. As soon as the Master saw her, he said, "Don't go around consulting fortune tellers anymore. You are destined for a life of solitude." Upon hearing that, she let go of everything and had her head shaved on that very day. She arrived in the United States on December 16th and left the home life on the 28th, making applicants who had waited years for permission burn with envy.
After leaving home, she remained in the City of the Dharma Realm to receive training and study the Venerable Master's methods of cultivation. Heng Jyun Shi's greatest regret is that she was not ordained until 1995 after the Master's passing into stillness. Fortunately, the Master left behind numerous tapes of his Dharma talks and Sutra lectures. We hope Heng Jyun Shi will heed the Master's words: "There is much organizational and editing work to do." May Heng Jyun Shi use her talents and edit the Master's tapes for publication soon. |